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2023-05-23 04:57:05




Two days passed, I haven't told Zhang Gukun sentence, Zhang Gukun didn't really seen me, even from are disgruntled when I walked by. Ah, such a situation like this stalemate? And so is our friendship over? Was it to start.

Gym class that afternoon after class, we hoping spread walked into the classroom, I chat with Zhang Gukun walk while. All of a sudden, there is a little girl coming toward me in front, because I talk to Zhang Gukun was happy, so I didn't notice her. I haven't had time to respond, and she hit a full. Because of my strength is bigger than her, she suddenly fell a butt pier. I was straight wu wear the chest pain, side cover, while scold: "you this little girl really recklessly, didn't even look at, just dashed forward." Say that finish, we continue to go forward.

At this moment, I found Zhang Gukun a wry smile, I asked him, "what are you laughing at?" Zhang Gukun pointing to me and said, "you just embrace the little girl, murphy, do you like her." "? Well, you don't talk nonsense, I think it is you like the little girl." Zhang Gukun say again: "just when you hug her, I didn't talk nonsense." I blushed like pork liver, ran at him, just wanted to hit him, he was a flash, slipped, as also ran said: "CAI porch holding a little girl." Chasing me as she said, "you dare to shout again, caution I kill you." Finally, I caught up with him and kicked him heavily, and ruthlessly gave him a boxing, this just left him. I haven't noticed that he has got up, and came running towards me, have been punched him heavily behind, I immediately on the ground, and he gave me a heavily on, and then ran angrily into the classroom.

I endured the pain to climb from the ground up, just want to revenge him, the bell rang, I can't, reluctantly ran back to the classroom. The whole class, I did not even listen to the teacher's half sentence, has been thinking about what happened just now, since I can't revenge Zhang Gukun, then I don't with him.

After class, I turned to say to him: "you apologize to me, otherwise I don't talk to you." "Don't talk to me is not good to me, I'm too lazy to with hello." So, we two friendship, so broken.

That's it, I have thought of a way to be reconciled with him, but he wouldn't forgive me. In the evening, I began to insomnia, think: I don't because this sentence is willing to forgive him? I should apologize to him.

After two days later, finally, I on the third day in the morning, for Zhang Gukun cordially say: "I'm sorry, please forgive my fault of a few days ago." Zhang Gukun also immediately said to me: "I shouldn't kidding with you, I'm sorry." So the two of us hand in hand, made up again, and our friendship more than the original.

Friendship is precious, the friendship between classmates is the most precious, we hang on to it, love it, but can't because of trivial things lost it easily.













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