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2023-05-23 06:56:02




Today, my mother took me to jinchuan saw 3 d movie, movie name is "underwater world". In the ocean sea snakes, sea, sea monster... Sea snakes swim, I feel it is going to eat me, frighten my heart plop plop jump. Call the waves, I felt to be involved in the bottom of the sea, I was nervous and scared, catch your eyes closed, pull a mother's hand tightly. Around for a while it's snowing, I feel the wave with snowflakes, stretched out his hand to catch, but can't catch the results fell on my head. 3 d movie is really too realistic and stimulation, is too good-looking.




Yesterday evening I about zhang boya go to see the "magic gourd". This morning I arrived early to changfeng theater, film she has not come at nine o 'clock, my mother and I had to go to the advanced. Cinema hall is very large, we are in the middle, suddenly the hall got all black, the film began, in a short time zhang boya and her mother is coming, we seat together to see the "magic gourd".

"The magic gourd" the hero is Wang Bao, Wang Bao like aircraft design, dream to grow up to become an astronaut, always want something for nothing, although often gourd help him, but always to do the reverse, finally gourd also walked, Wang Bao also understand there is no free lunch, what it through his own efforts to get results. I love of gourd, because in Wang Bao chess classmates let him eat "horse", gourd thought from the mouth to eat, let Wang Bao eat this "horse" the pawn, too funny. Film has a lot of joke, made us laugh. From which I know a truth, something for nothing is nothing, we will steadfastly to do every thing, learning is the same.







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