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2023-05-24 02:52:03



追风筝的人英语读后感 :

In such an unexpected in the morning, I finished reading this book, this is put in my phone book for a long time, two months, since I began to find the book, I might be a strange name attracted by it, may be attracted by its author, an Afghan writer, or I was its content, the growth of the two boys in Afghanistan, as simple summary, in my opinion it is not as the introduction of this novel, simple words can't show in the story is always faint of the great sadness, like a gloomy sky, pressure gadites breath forever.

Kite runner, when first saw the strange title, I have some vacant, chasing kites need? Why want to kite runner, it was the custom of the Afghan, early spring each year, there will be a big kite festival, many children will use the power of their savings for a year to make his kite become outstanding person. I was floating in the blue sky, the colorful kites, each at the end of the kite line has a brave fighter. , of course, all of the kites in the sky to duel, like a big fight, and you have to kill all the enemies around you, you can become a victory, in the same way, you have to put you away a kite is defeated, you will become the focus of ten thousand kinds of attention and praise, as there will be infinite honor and light gather you a suit, in my opinion, this is a game of communication between children or, amir at that time, but in this for him to have a great importance, because dad, because of the father, he could be attained only by his father's praise and smiling face, is no longer disdain eyes, he is an urgent need to! Said after again, the kite runner, is quite important also, you got the last shot of a kite, it also indicates the great glory and complete victory. Then hasan, act as the important task, is the only by amir shot down catch up with the kite, the climax of the story has thus caused, the source of all sadness is slowly coming here.

From reading this book, have been felt in the story hides sad, let a person breath the whole novel is a kind of depressive feeling, can see the "I" have done has been for the past regret and sad, amir hassan, for apologies may not we are able to understand, but the amir is always Fried suffering, indeed, for he only 13 years old at the time a child, things like that he will not deal with, he is the only idea don't want to let oneself suffer, and the root of this torture is hasan, and hassan that foolish devotion for him, he felt that as long as hassan away, never appeared in front of his eyes, he was not condemned by the conscience, but he, but he didn't know it was wrong at that time, if he had not timely to admit a mistake at that time, he will really regret, repent for a lifetime, so regret perhaps will accompanied him to go to the grave, he will not be able to let go.

From the perspective of "I" to describe the misery of hassan did "I", more let the reader feel experience, in the novel, we have been from the "I" in the eyes of hassan, as a master to amir appointed, children give everything, perhaps in his heart, maybe he is with the intuition is that personality by education, touched me the most is said to amir hassan "for you, thousands times!" So can come out from a teenage child's mouth, is really let a person heart pain, until the later, his heart has been in love with the master amir ignored him and kept in his hurt him, he did not abandon his, always protect him, forgive me, I'm really shocked by the child, I always feel quite uncomfortable for him, always feel something stuck in throat, let me a little SOB.

Story then continues, ali hassan left with, then the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, amir was forced to leave, and dad also left the home, on the way to the United States, then he and his father has been living in the United States, and he is still married to his wife in the United States, have a stable life, just dad died, amir's father has always been a clank iron man, I always see so.

Many years later, a phone call to amir again recalled Afghanistan, came back, he took a child, that is hasan, hassan dead, but the child like hassan, like previous hassan, but only less, is no longer smile, eyes like that all the holes, the child has been sad. Kites and kite, flying kites a chance to make the poor child gently pull the corners of the mouth, in fact, no matter how much the child experience, he will never is just a child, for the simple life.

Mentioned at the end of the novel, the kite from the kite, kite again, perhaps this is the best ending, many years ago, as amir hassan kite runner, "for you, thousands times", many years later, amir hassan for children kite runner, "as hassan, thousands of times."












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