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2023-05-24 02:54:06


导语:追风筝的人 是一本著名的课外读物,他给我们讲诉了:追风筝的人讲述一个善良,惭愧,自救,安心的故事。复杂的让人不相信的现实,在喀布尔长久笼罩的混乱中,发生着动人心魄的故事。那是在苦难中提升的至为保贵的美。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!

追风筝的人英语读后感 :

A good book, best can let a person think of childhood.

While we are all children, with everyone with a kind of ignorance and look forward to look in the eyes to greet the future, in our day by day grown up with pride, there are always some things not let us forget. Those beautiful fault irresponsible and self-righteousness, is correct, no matter how long, all following growth, will never forget.

Remember clearly is oneself accidentally broke a neighbor's vase, it would walk is talkative and the kids in the neighborhood is not agile to talk and not his mouth, and thought really eyes. Remember once the two children fell out fight scolded by the teacher, I am reluctant to tell the teacher the younger than me, child's fault, the reason is that I am afraid of the big kids looking for my future trouble. Regardless the children cried and leave. Remember my mother with my big baby is having a serious illness and don't let me play with him. I deliberately avoid him, he always take a lot of good to call I go out to play, over time, I would be impatiently say, you go, I don't want to play with you this patient. Then I looked at him hesitate slowly away from my home yard, when you go out with a tear.

Later, because the relationship of reading, far from home, away from the hinterland, came to the city to start a totally different life, forgetting his hometown play with those partners. Away from the ignorance of childhood.

This is the hour hou selfishness and straightforward that any resultant damage. After many years, is already far away, but I still can't let go, still can't forgive. Although they may have been busy forget these, is completely isolated from previous after meet again. We after all is not at the beginning of each other.

Kite runner tells a kind, ashamed, self-help, reassuring story. Complex reality, let people don't believe in Kabul for a long time of chaos, the fascinating story. It is in their ascension is to protect your beauty.

Kite runner may give us a chance. When we have grown up enough to face a former, in U learning builds, see the book, is a friendly reminder. We should go back to the peace of the soul, and to save.

So, there is reason to believe that the author is really gave us a once again become a good way, for us to redeem.













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