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2023-05-24 05:39:08




My hometown is in the south of picturesque scenery, nestled in the picturesque lake dongting. Hometown in winter is mild, that is like the north - bone-chilling winds hit in the face, no wonder the swallow went to the south to winter! You see - the hometown of the wind gently blowing, mixed with sweet laughter float into your ears, you can know, winter is coming! By this time the most spectacular is the red mountain, it is not like mount tai stands, but delicate like water, the mountain along a again, like a mountain road eighteen bend. Walk into, can smell of fresh orange flavor, as well as a variety of leaves of sweet breath came toward you, the red earth, covered in snow, like on a cotton, on the soft, murmuring, very comfortable! Go on, can see the second largest fresh water lake, dongting lake. To go far, very far out at dongting landscape color, silver plate, a green screw "! The lake, in a nearby, green point; In the distance, generic blue. A breeze blowing, the lake has a water wave on slightly, now is the time to shallow water. You see, the lake island above showed slight nod, like a shy little girl. The grass is green! Far away there is a smell of grass, in the lake dongting oscillation. For a long time, that smell but it will not back away. Finely long switch reflects in the water, it seems that in appreciation of his own the attractive appearance, singing with fishermen home from time to time, this certainly is one of their harvest day! Gentle, delicate, fine and soft, a beautiful picture. This is the winter in my hometown! Hunan's winter!






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