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我运动 我快乐英语作文

2023-05-24 05:59:04

2016我运动 我快乐英语作文范文



I will get a feeling of happiness when in motion, as if all will be left behind, only I exist between heaven and earth, only the wind accompanied with me, I love sports, because sports give me joy.

Because I am a second twins, so my body is weak, in order to build our bodies, parents let me start from running in the morning. In the beginning, I always want to be lazy, don't want to running in the morning, but on one occasion, my dad with me running, on a summer morning, my father and I have been running in the morning to the orchard with we ran, wind flowers waved to us also, air good! My father and I ran all the way, the mood also is very good, although some tired, but it's much better spirit.

Sport is not only let us to keep fit, more is to temper our will. Since that and dad together, more and more, I fell in love with the sport. One summer afternoon, my father and smiling said: "f, we go to exercise the body, how?" Once I listen to, very countered: "ah! The weather is so hot, how to? Don't go, don't go!" Father continued: "the day the hot the better!" "I... I..." "Hurry up!" Dad see me what to say, immediately interrupted. Reluctantly, I had to depressed to go. Came to the lawn, the sun beats down baked the earth, and the steps to let people out of breath, how to exercise? My dad! Dad said he would race, after the specified location, dad said: "girl, are you ready?" I didn't answer, dad to see me, and gave me a demonstration, and looked at dad a relaxed, happy, my heart is itching. Movement, then dad as she said: "the body is the capital of the revolution, only a healthy body is the greatest happiness! Not so commercial slogan was' health is a blessing! 'children, exercise!" I clenched teeth, get up the courage to run with my father. Just walks a few steps, sweat rolling down from the forehead, really hot! I wipe the sweat, while running. Just ran half of the journey, I have been unable to, speed is also slow down. There was a feeling, really want to planted in the ground. At this time, the father said: "this year, the Olympic Games held in Beijing, China, to think that in the competition of Chinese athletes are able to fall by the wayside?" "No!" I replied firmly. Them on the field of the struggle, immediately came in front of my eyes, they disregard everything in the first, at the moment they only one conviction in mind: honor for the motherland, the motherland! Thinking about thinking about my steps and quickly run up, immediately rushed to the front of the father. "I won! I won!" I am happy, I am happy, I shout! In the blue sky echoed with her we both laugh.

I think; Exercise makes me healthy and makes me happy. Sport is a kind of fun, but also a kind of enjoyment, it accompanies me all the way, he is my frustration become strong, is my happiness in growth. So, dear students, life is movement, as long as we persist in physical exercise, our life will be full of vitality! Hope this sentence Eng for our slogan: I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy.









【2016我运动 我快乐英语作文范文】



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