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2023-05-25 02:24:05




A clear, sunny day. I am too agitated mood on the bound for the tengzhou "water world" car, after a long one and a half hour, finally came to tengzhou "water world".

I first played 41 meters high passion slide, seen from the following five layer building it is so high, a total of six ways, consists of two kinds of color, blue and yellow, as soon as I see it I particularly excited, he climbed layer upon layer of floor, finally arrived at the top. I sat in the first over the blue, her hands on her head, lay down, the in the mind of tension, just lie down due to the power of water and my weight quickly slipping, the wind quickly passed over from my ear, about ten seconds, listen to "dong", I fell into the water, like sacks blow up huge splash, meal time a piece of blue water in the eye, at the time, only four words in my heart, that is: cool! Stay cool!

Paddle city, then, I went to the children slid from a children's slide, suddenly found a big white "gun barrel", thus opened the "gun barrel", spurts of water jet flying like an arrow shot out, because "gun barrel" close to the slide, water jet onto the slide, just at this moment is just one of my friends slipped down from above, my heart secretly pleased, and immediately hide, show two eyes staring at the slide, only when he slipped down, I immediately went out to turn on the switch, began to attack, he immediately on my ambush, be I played out of the water. He immediately stood up and made for me and have a look at will know that he is to come and get me, and I picked up a piece of pipe, open the gate, only listen to "wow", washing his defeat and flee... Ha ha ha ha, see his appearance, I feel all quick laugh is broken.

There are boating, made waves pool... Such fun project, want to play! Tengzhou water on earth can make you feel the fun of water, it will accompany you through this beautiful holiday.







Autumn arrived, grandmother called and said: "the mountain mountain jujube cooked." I am very happy, because to the mountains to pick zizyphus jujube is my most happy thing.

On Saturday morning, we started coming down as shortly before dawn. The autumn wind stroke, filar silk cool idea into my heart. Don't affect my excitement. At this moment I wish flew into the embrace of the mountain.

The car, quickly moving to the foot of the mountain. I once again saw the familiar mountains. The air smelled the mountains stranger. Suddenly feel refreshed. As if place oneself in the fairyland in general. The car slowly into the mountains. Mountain towering pagoda tree on both sides. Straight pine tree, in the morning breeze shaking pulled down. The canopy as if to welcome us. The car arrived. I excitedly jumped out of the car. Looked down and saw the foot of the world seems to become the Lilliput. Dad suggested, "let's race! See who won the most." Mother to do the notary. I thought to myself, zizyphus jujube but I picked the best. We will separately. I dived into zizyphus jujube Onions. Picking the fast, I do not know how suddenly felt a twinge sting. Looking back, I was a plant of barbed he'll sting all over. Pain is difficult to describe. I carefully back out. Like a little hedgehog. Look back to see my father, he has picked a big bag of zizyphus jujube. But I only have a small bouquet. I was stunned. Once again, and again crustily skin of head into the zizyphus jujube from. With the lesson of the last time, this time is much more smoothly. Not only avoid the thorns, hands and feet also adopted much more flexible. Plus I am a small advantage. Catch up with the father right away. At noon father said: "son, I back to grandma's house, zizyphus jujube to." Although some dirt on the face, seem to be some mess, but looked at dad's record I was so happy.

One day passed, but the relaxed and happy weekend, but for a long time to stay in my memory.









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