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2023-05-25 03:55:07




My home have a lovely small white rabbit, I give it was named "the snow princess". Fluffy white hair, two long ears and a short tail, really likable!

You don't look at it that lovable appearance, in fact, it is a "small pig". One day, the snow princess and hungry, I simply can't stand to see it, is going to buy it to eat carrots. As I walked out of the door, turned a look, the snow princess disappeared. I anxiously looking for, finally found in nearby a stall selling carrots. I see in the eye, angrily walked behind it, knows it, but also eat so with relish. Me a hand picked up the snow princess, just ate with relish it far away snow princess unwilling to look at the carrot.

It also has a nickname, that is "little devil". One time, I in meditation to composition, suddenly, the snow princess jumped onto the chair and got into a drawer and stepped on a few feet in my book. Angrily, I saw it go after the snow princess, which can be caught, it ran as fast as I can. At this moment, I saw my sister came up behind the snow princess, I thought: call sister behind not line? To my sister so I made a gesture of the rabbit caught. Sister saw, I see, then carefully walk past, snow princess did not know was that the sister had been seized up. I'm glad to shout a way: "catch!" You see, it more naughty.

This is my little rabbit - snow princess.







When I was young, I like small animals, my mother to buy me a small rabbit, I can love, but every time have died a few days, I was very sad, why every time a small rabbit will die, maybe I was too small, or don't understand the method of small animals, mother will give threw the dead rabbit. In mother threw the rabbit at that time, I really want to cry, but I endure, I secretly thinking, if grow up, I must keep small animals. Whatever dirty or residual!

In when I was 5 years old, I with my mother on the road, picked up a lovely white cat, then it is very dirty, but I don't abandon, because when I was a child I have said that I would keep small animals, no matter how is it! Since bring Mimi came home, I have to wash it clean. Let mom and dad don't abandon the poor kitten, but this cat is not obedient, every time my father a few times to see the cat defecate indiscriminately, and bites his clothes and slippers, but I am Mimi came back from the park to pick up, continue to raise at home. If there is a chance to let me keep the rabbit I will take good care of it!







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