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2023-05-25 06:04:05




In the courtyard, my hometown has an old wintersweet, old trunk filled with bumps.

Spring arrived, branches branch full of bitter fleabane bitter fleabane drew numerous branches, pale green leaves covered with branches, showing a vitality. But late autumn wind brings coolness, wintersweet leaves withered and yellow, withered. The winter of the north wind off the last few pieces of leaves, people are surprised to find that, I do not know when, wintersweet that yellow huaguduo pin-points compose full of branches.

Keep the cold winter, the north wind roar, ice and snow. Flowers don't understand, most of the remaining light trees bare branches wintersweet is against the cold wind in full bloom. Look! The honey Huang Mi yellow bud, core of light yellow, yellow, patches of open branches, smell good, refreshing. In winter, wintersweet with its bright and beautiful, delicate colors and the unique fragrance brought winter warmth.

I love winter sweets, it is the spirit of not afraid of cold. Since ancient times, there are many poets, writers praise wintersweet, more to praise those who take the bull by the horns, diligently enterprising, to the motherland loyal to the people. Today, in the construction of socialist modernization more emergence countless fought tenaciously, determined and fought for his country, and the blood of the hero. The portrayal of wintersweet is their character.

I love winter sweets, love it after the flowers open. Regardless of wind and rain, or snow, it's all piece into ground in full bloom, make people admire it. In all things Xiao Dong winter, it brings news and enjoy the beauty of spring.

I especially love the hometown in the courtyard the wintersweet, I praise it, it is so vigorous, full of vitality, a new tree full of flowers, dedicated full-bodied aroma to people. And when, all things recovery, flowers shy to stay put while its flowers quietly gone...











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