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2023-05-25 06:41:01




"Don't let the last drop of water be our tears, don't let the last piece of oasis becomes a desert." This time, philosophical words ringing in my ear. Therefore, I decided to become a "green small guard".

I will tell what I thought of my father, mother, they are very support me and encourage me, first of all, made the action plan of environmental protection - collecting waste batteries, do not use plastic bags, travel by car. My family is a chokehold on family. The next day, our whole family change way to travel, my father put his motorcycle, ride a bike to work instead. But a week later, dad said: "the bicycle to work too hard, I don't insist on." I was very worried and said to him: "you can't do that, must hold to, even if no results, also want to go ahead, because it can not only protect the environment, saving resources, still can exercise, isn't this a good way to kill two birds with one stone?" After dad listened to, straight kua I am a good boy, he will insist on.

"On Sunday we family general mobilization", a go out to pick up "junk", collection of waste batteries, but after a whole morning time, no collect many plastic bags, mom and dad seem a bit frustrated, I also have a little frustrated, I called out in a firm tone, "although the three of us strength is small, but a lot of people to unite power." My words is a reminder of the mother, noon back home, mother found some cloth, made several bags, I wonder, my mom told me, to send these to the neighbors, let them to use less plastic bags, join us together, in this way, let them also affect everyone around them. I call mom and dad in chorus is the "brain".

At this moment, I thought of the text, "shu every second monk" any road is a down-to-earth, step by step, by itself, only constantly pay, will be fruitful. I believe we pay today will make some contribution for the low carbon life, starts from me, affect everyone. From this behavior, I saw the low-carbon life is coming to us.









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