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2023-05-26 02:11:03




You come to our hometown jining? Jining in our hometown is beautiful.

Entered the jining city, will see crisscrossed the whole jining city road planning in order. Flat and broad road, all kinds of cars come and go, an endless stream. You will feel very comfortable sitting inside the car. While walking, enjoying the scenery outside the window, make you relaxed and happy, it is a kind of enjoyment. Road on both sides stand rows of tall modern buildings, they are all have different than each other, plus the colorful door flat and billboards, the building dressed up particularly gorgeous, like elegantly beautiful picture, let a person.

Look, isn't it about seventeen floors building. You stand below looked up, seem not to see. This fully demonstrates the city the wisdom of working people's wisdom and the creation of great talent. To see again, this on the roof, a tower towering, this is the tower of reception, a see it, can let a person feel the city of science and technology development is how quickly. Saw it was that I had this idea: "I must study hard and grasp the construction of ability of the country, in the future construction of the city more beautiful".

Zhuhai so many scenic spots, such as the city's ancient, tower, and the world-famous white floor, these are the places of historical interest in our city. Modern architectural interest more and more like hualian department store, department store building, traffic building, gymnasium, etc., they are very XiongLi. And the children like the zoo, botanical garden, of all kinds of amusement places, they are more attractive. All of these, they have greatly enriched the zhuhai people's material and cultural life.

Dear friend, you quickly come to jining, jining city of the talents in our hometown, beautiful scenery, will make you unforgettable, linger.










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