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2023-05-26 02:52:01




Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do my own...... "Whenever hear this song, I will think of the mother.

"" I'm from accident like a dust, in fact, everyone from the accident. When millions of sperm rob a grain of eggs, the birth of the people it is clear that the unparalleled lucky. However, if there is no mother, there would be no us, is the mother gave us life. Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

"Can anyone see my fragile". Yes, who can? If is a stranger, maybe not at you. But, for mother, everything you do, and smile already deeply carves into her mind. Who is more than the mother understand us? Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

"Heaven and earth is wide and the road but it is difficult to walk". Heaven and earth road is the road of life. When we are young, mother holding our toddler; When we are young, and my mother give us confidence and encouragement; When we grow up, mother is always in her own way to help us. The road of life is too long, but mother always accompany us go. Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

"I see all this bumpy hard" in the world. When we lose heart, is mother with kind words encourage us; When we are sad sad, is mother with warm words to comfort us. Mother paid too much too much for us. Thought of here, I want to thank you deeply, my mother.

Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to be myself; Thanksgiving heart, thank you, mother!











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