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2023-05-26 02:54:02




Today I saw a newspaper article on China central television (CCTV) < < happy dictionary > > host wang xiaoya return estrogen tell father, saw this article, I think a lot, my mom and dad like wang2 xiao3 ya father, very care about me, I got a lot of a father and a mother's love.

Dad every day to work in nanjing, fortnightly holiday didn't come back, but he was at work when don't forget to give me a call, ask my body and learning situation, sometimes a week to many telephone? If I was sick, my mother will be more busy and hard, dad will very care about me, ask this ask that. Dad every fortnightly holiday back to ma on shan work will bring me some delicious, there are many beautiful newspapers, are delicious to eat, watch is very good-looking, I'm so happy. I want to thank dad.

While my mother is also very concerned about me, double cease day, whether it is windy rain, take me to the spirit of class, in school, I didn't bring an umbrella when it rains, the mother will pick me up, is always an umbrella to slant on my side. Last time I had a fever, it's not a disease I at ordinary times, the heat to heavily, not a few days, mother can be nasty, take me to the hospital to see a doctor, that day, at 8 o 'clock every morning to play water, mother was busy for three days. I'm so happy, I want to thank my mother.

Sometimes, mom and dad also very strict to me, that is when I make a mistake, they will beat me to scold me, then I might be a bit confused, very angry, but a few days later, I corrected the mistake, was praised by his teacher, from the inside of the heart I feel the strict parents to me is for my love.

I am like a small tree, and sometimes may grow redundant branches, regardless of the hard, mom and dad will give me a trim.










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