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2023-05-26 05:03:10




Where is the spring? Spring is in the garden. Have pink peach blossom, golden jasmine, silvery white pear, to open smile, you smell nice. There will be a thick willow, like protect our soldiers. Switch on just long out of the tender and green leaves, the long willows seemed like a fairy's hair. The willows next to a small river, when willow run into the water, the water on the microwave, I couldn't help think of: jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash. Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors. What a beautiful poem!

Where is the spring? In the information of the swallow, spring, looking to the sky, wow! A group of the swallow, I watched as he called the swallow flew, like singing: "there are red flowers ah, there is green grass, and that will sing small oriole..." Face full of smile, like to eat the honey.

Where is the spring? In people smile in the spring, spring is sunny, who does not come out to take a walk, take a look! Look, the square was a sea of people, some in the rope skipping, some playing football, some in rubber band skipping... Even the children's favorite skateboard out!

The winter is past, nor, abundant life!






In the spring, no longer familiar words. Ancient Chinese poet praise poetry countless of spring. Night, meng haoran in pavilions, shaking his fans said: "spring sleep unknowingly xiao, everywhere smell bird crow, night rain, flowers." Good, spring can always hear trickling rain shower at night, why do I always complain god always crying, when to end.

But, I still understand, it is not for the sake of summer crops thrive, farmer uncle like autumn harvest.

I don't know what time, I fell in love with spring, because it can always give me an unexpected surprise. Because had the spring breeze of fine hand, just have the "jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash" beauty; Because had the spring rain naughty, just have the "Yin rain embellish, such as crisp, grass color it looks almost no" twilight; Because of the spring flowers and plants, have "spend for charming eye, shallow grass can't water chestnut" profusion.

I describe the scene, however, is the previous spring, spring and now seems more aging, no, it should be said that mature a lot, she doesn't love cry, as usual with her tears drench the land; Her hand unwieldy many, can't paint beautiful spring figure, as he used to decorate the earth; Her heart a lot of hard, no longer selflessness, take all kinds of beautiful sound around.

People blame spring, why become so selfish, can it really be "female 18 change"? Do people think about, however, in the spring also blame, why people are so selfish, why people again and again to hurt her mother - the earth, she knew that the earth is people's mother!

I found that the less spring shower, breathing slowly breeze, the bird's not used to the ear, presumably, they are blaming people. The spring is no longer unusual. The reason! We are looking for! Also it is not hard to find, the more tall buildings around, they in the output to be modern city, this, I don't blame them. More and more just, rural, urban factories, waste gas through the chimney directly into the sky, let them play in the air, sewage through the channel directly to the river, there is no doubt that water turned black, also, people don't consciously behavior, making the streets around the can always see the colorful garbage... People naively think of the rivers, the sky and the land as a bottomless, to discharge sewage, waste gas, garbage, think in this way, can let them unnoticed. Recall that we are doing too much too much harm to the earth mother. Continues, however, these things so, spring girl to through a variety of ways, to awaken the conscience of people.

In the spring of this unusual, I understand a lot of. Human is time to wake up, have to try my best to make up for his former did wrong everything! Let the happy spring rain water land, let the spring breeze caresses our laughter, let the birds sing to us all...

Later, the spring is no longer unusual...












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