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2023-05-27 02:57:06




Spring, with the warm spring breeze, quietly coming. You see, pink peach blossom open; Pale green green willows in the wind blows; Pieces of luxuriantly green rice seedlings, attractive; A strip strip was golden rape, a light faint scent. The farmers in the paddy field on machine, plug in the paddy field of out of green plants. Joyful swallow inclined wings flying in the air. Cover the distance, a place of castle peak in the mist, the dense woods like in silently enjoying this beautiful spring day. The shore of the grass don't know when to secretly drilled out from the soil, in the spring breeze blowing in under the light wave, the grass in the sun like a green carpet. Abask sunlight on your face, make people intoxicated. In spring, the sun like a warm stove, as on the green blanket, the golden light. In march, the spring breeze brought the fresh and sweet smell of drink, make a person generous. Kiss the dew wet patches of green leaves, the whole mountain like honey fragrance emitting such as wine. As blooming flowers, clouds, clusters, hidden in the leaves from. Spring wind thundering, spring rain, spring, spring scenery infinite! It's full, beautiful! Spring, although it does not have summer lake full of lotus plants, the land of melons and fruits of autumn to the winter snow, but it has green, green world is a leafy thoroughfare!

春天,伴随着温暖的春风,悄悄地走来了。 你看,粉红粉红的桃花开放了;嫩绿嫩绿的垂柳在风中拂动;一片片碧绿碧绿的稻秧,惹人喜爱;一畦畦金黄金黄的油菜花,发出淡淡的清香。农民们在水田里开着插机,插过的水田里露出了绿油油的苗儿。欢乐的小燕子在空中斜着翅膀飞行着。远处,一座座青山罩在薄雾里,茂密的树林像在静静地欣赏着这美好的春光。 岸边的小草不知什么时候从土里偷偷地钻出来了,在春风的吹拂下轻盈舞动,草地在阳光下像一块绿色的地毯。阳光暖洋洋地照在脸上,使人陶醉。春天的太阳像一个温暖的炉子,照在绿毯上,金光粼粼。 阳春三月,春风送来了凉丝丝,甜润润的气息,使人爽快惬意。露水吻湿了片片绿叶,整个山林散发出如酒似蜜的香味。如期盛开的花儿,一团团,一簇簇,藏在了绿叶从中。 春风浩荡,春雨滂沱,春光明媚,春色无边!真是万紫千红,美不胜收! 春天,它虽然没有夏天的.莲叶满湖,秋天的瓜果遍地,冬天的白雪皑皑,但它有绿,是一个蓊蓊郁郁的绿色世界!


Girl quietly walked, voice gradually come, we seem to feel the breath of spring, no, should not be just we felt the breath of spring, grass, flowers, trees are also feeling the breath of spring.

Spring flowers are so beautiful, red as fire, white like snow, yellow like gold, pink like chardonnay, they dress up spring scenery.

Spring is coming, spring is coming, lively and lovely the swallows fly back from the south, the stream is melting, the young trees and take out the green branches, in the spring, those attractive flowers attract many colorful, dancing butterflies, those butterflies for a while smell the flowers, smell that for a while, really was so beautiful. Buzz, buzz, floret also to small and exquisite small bees, for a moment fell on the flower, a land on the flower, they gather fragrant powder, brew a sweet honey. The beauty of nature is really make people linger, relaxed and happy.

Well, I love the spring, I love this beautiful spring.








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