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2023-05-27 03:07:04




Discrimination - a harsh words. Since human development to today, in the heart of the world, the club and was unable to hide sad history, human nature.

At home, between the han and minority nationalities, the historical legacy of a variety of reasons, also achievement now a noun - ethnic minorities can add cent () in the university entrance exam, the reason is that minorities learning condition is not good. This gave me an idea like this: learning condition of villages and towns and large cities this up if there is a huge gap? Why didn't the concept of "points"? This explanation may not be able to find. I want to ask the true meanings of discrimination.

Boxing champion at the 1960 Olympics in Rome, the American black boxer cassius clay (now the world famous boxer - muhammad ali) because it is black, he was a restaurant from the outside, even if he shows himself to be an Olympic champion.

"Barefoot big fairy" British 18-year-old South African athletes - zola - bud, in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles and run the queen Mary - decker for the women's 3000 m gold medal, Mary - decker accidentally stepped on bud, pour on the runway, immediately into the bristle, accused the bud of rude behavior, bud to prevent dekker beyond their means, more let a person is angry dekker herself also put their resentment to bud, a cavity (because it allows dekker lost the opportunity to win) and the bard is stand on, from now on in the playground.

Then turn the pages of history, the British foreign trade means, the black slave trade, that is to the devastation of africans and the African social economy immeasurable damage.

Racial discrimination! A worthy social shock. I don't know whether they provoke the touch of the human heart! Even if that to become a thing of the past! When human beings can truly learn to respect?










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