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2023-05-27 07:05:15




Believe that each person has a lot of the summer vacation, I, of course, is no exception. Now I'll illustrate just a little, please listen to me fine.

This summer vacation, I have A month's time is to use on the reading, I saw A book: "o failure", "small story truth", "doraemon", "humor master", "pure time"... See the ecstasy, as if place oneself in their world. I saw doraemon in repair of toy accessories; O failure in trying to see the big face younger sister's homework; And humorist in nice story for you. I also attend to them immediately. All of a sudden, "xiaoyu", a sound, the original is in the bat my mom told me, "what's the matter with you, a reading is so fascinated, I have called you several times, I thought you fell asleep!" Ha ha, can't, who call I "a little bookish!"

Not only is reading a book, I also made a friend who like silence. Every morning, he will be waiting for me in the garden. Then, we will go for a walk, play, can be happy! But, you don't get me wrong, he is a dog, called beibei. It used to be a stray dog, one day, I eat in to feed "sasha vujacic", also used to eat after it saw. In this way, we gradually familiar with. Once I go outside to play, run to come over immediately after it saw me, like I was the young master, but mother doesn't let to raise, said it would delay my study. Sometimes, I told myself, I must study hard, in beibei old before it really small host. Although mother won't let it, but the baby seemed to understand, every time I bring it over, it is the darling of the climb at home outside when I go out and play with it again. But it sometimes nasty will not be pleased to call such as that!





One Saturday, my family are all in the reading, reading the newspaper, all are drowsy, boring. I always think what is the sound in the house, looking back at once, all of a sudden, I found a "fuse" war - mouse is leisurely "walk" in my house, our whole family the spirits, dad and I are "murderous look blunt day". I got up on the mouse fly up a foot, mice a step "x" agile dodged my attack with a "cynical" dad, the whole family followed burst out laughing. Mice found himself be counterattacked, scattering.

Dad and I a person to hold a weapon - a broom in rats, after while playing, but how also can not play, mom laughed straight over your stomach. Chase for a large array of son, the mice finally hit by my "half moon cut" and fly a few meters away, the mice a scream, "ji" to the bottom of the sofa. Fortunately, I and dad load over two broom or a block, mice no way out, "there was a thunderous clapping GuanZhanZhe". My father and I morale. I'm a "foshan no shadow foot", the mouse was beaten straight roll, "sloped" my smile away. Will fight in the end, the mouse back a few steps, a death posture, then rushed to the front of the broom jumped, draw a beautiful arc in the sky, actually jump out from the walls of my father and I!

Rats like insane straight at the seat, frighten mother let out a loud shriek, mice spent some time to think straight hide in the ambry of the underground. My father and I laughed straight roll, which have the strength to play the mouse.

Grandpa meet us half a day can't catch mice, finally personally. Grandpa put her boots in the corner, and then took a peanut in shoes outside. Mice smell the fragrance, fly like picking up the peanut ran to the side of the shoe. I a dashed up, holding a fierce hit shoes mouth to hit the ground. Mouse shaking out a look, and already lose "rat" thing... The whole family into cheers and happy victory.

Ha ha, the rat war really interesting! In fact, as long as fine fine back home every thing, you'll find that family fun!









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