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2023-05-28 02:54:03




My favorite sport is kicking shuttlecock.

On Saturday morning, open the window and look out, glittering and translucent get rid of the sky, like a boundless crystal glass. In such a good weather, stretch and a yawn, worked in and food, after the "struggle" to go to the park's tree-lined trails.

Time really fast, quickly into the park. I marched to be covered in the floret grass nearly empty land, unlike in the past, this time I took out the shuttlecock, playing up, grandma with large shuttlecock, I use a small shuttlecock. My grandma do a demonstration. See grandma throw a shuttlecock upgrade, shuttlecock fell down on the side of the foot up, is about the play. Her for a while with the toe kick, for a while in the heel kick, in a short while left "Fried" pain MAO, a right "Fried" hair pain, really like a swallow in the happy flying.

It's my turn to play, I play, too bad! See the shuttlecock jumping up and down, like a child, bouncing around naughty, but played no five it broke. I'm persistent attempts to more than ten times, but no one played left "Fried" MAO "Fried" hair pain pain or right, I'm became frustrated the ball, but just at this moment, suddenly there was a turning point, the naughty shuttlecock out of my control, is about to fall to the ground, at this critical juncture of, I hurried up and caught the shuttlecock with their feet, and played two, and gained the grandmother to my reward.

How interesting the sport! Boys and girls, what is in your favorite sport?







My favorite sport is table tennis. Among them I most admire athletes has: "wang hao, Zhang Jike, Malone.

This summer, father giving my impending nuptials, finally took me to play table tennis; I'm happy to jump three feet high. I ask this ask that along the way. A twinkling of an eye, to the table tennis game. I when observing, some people in the rally, also some people in doubles, good lively.

I can't wait to take the racket, let dad taught me, he taught me to take the racket first, then let me practice with him, he put the ball to me, I can not pick up, one, two, three... I am unable under 36. Dad said that you give it up. I refuse to obey, has been practicing, finally face the hard stuff.

Learn the slow play, I can't wait to have my dad taught me fight. My father agreed. Dad pass the ball quickly to me, not yet connected to the beat is directly hit on my face, his face flushed. I endured the pain on the face, go on studying ghosted. Finally, everything comes to him who waits. I learned to fight and level is more than the father!

Of course, in the process of learning, I also feel sad, happy, victory and defeat. Also learn lessons in failure again and again, can I get to the success, because: "failure is the mother of success." And I'm from the failure summary sentence: "nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it."

This project brings me joy, also brought the meaning of failure.










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