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2023-05-28 03:16:01




The first snow came down one afternoon in his hometown, spring flowers, summer sea, autumn moon, the snow of winter. The snow in winter, rippled on earth...

"Snow, snow!" With a burst of cheers, I quickly ran to the window sill, looking: little snowflake falling from the sky, as light as smoke, jade generally clean, wave spread.

I can't help but ran out and stood on the balcony, looking around the landing light snow flower, how beautiful! In the beginning, is small and thin, fluttering leisurely fall to the ground, will melt into water. Then, increasing the snowflakes and become the many. That glittering and translucent snowflake dancing, they laughed happily, hand in hand to do the game. Seemed to be torn to pieces by many of the cotton ball falling from the sky, trees and flowers on the silver, except that the snow did not under long, failed to give the carpet of the earth covered with silvery white, can't let the world become white, it seems, snow girl hasn't wake up!

Stretched out to catch the small snowflakes are thinking, they are like the petals of a hexagon, haven't I enjoy, such as snow quietly disappeared, gone to seed crystal clear water droplets dropped to the floor, in harmony with nature.

The man in the street 3322, very few, may be the snow is not big enough, can't make a snowman, snowball fights, people bound in the fire to keep warm! The 3322 people hurry too. Now people are too busy, pace too fast, why not stop to admire the scenery? Maybe the rhythm of life too fast! Suddenly, he saw two children came out. Laughter broke the silence of the world, both of them, try to overtake each other in play. They wear bright clothes, pure smiling face, they are like bright blossoming flowers, the quiet world ornament more beautiful and touching...

Snow, give a person the sense with quiet, it brings the infinite dream. I would like to compare it to the lotus, noble and elegant. I would like to compare it to a picture ink and wash, deep and long... Hometown of snow, enchanting and moving. From a distance, so beautiful snow!








Snowflakes swirl underground, like white elf hopping, dancing and flying. Connected the snow let the earth and heaven.

Snow like a delicate cotton, like glittering and translucent get rid of white sugar, like all gone in a year. Under the snow like elegant, gentle, let me have the endless reverie......

Together countless snowflakes fall in the trees. Light green pine as if into a Christmas tree. From a distance, is just like a willo uniformed police risked snow waiting for frontier fortress.

At night, the Snow White silver charmingly, because lamplight shine on land. The vast snow-capped mountains, the endless snow... Make a pair of beautiful picture.

Pure, elegant snow to the earth covered with fur carpet; For conifers with silver; For flower girl dressed up like a graceful white; Bring us joy.

Beautiful snow you are so elegant, so white... You are the end of the year, is hope in the coming year!










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