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2023-05-28 04:38:08


导语:强国要科技,科技需人才,人才靠教育,教育要教师!教师需付出,付出…… 千言万语,道不尽那年那月;万水千山,隔不断缕缕师恩。我要衷心对您说一声:谢谢您老师;教了孩子知识,教会了我做人。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


I will never forget her.

I was there to meet her at the railway station. At that time, she is wearing a pink dress, with a thick ponytail. I'm very thirsty, but can't find the shop. So, I patted her on the shoulder: "hello! Where is the shop?" She smiled at me and point waiting room: "at that!" "Thanks!" I head back to run to the store. Coming out from the shop, we sit together to chat. She told me that her name is lotus, mother died, my father work elsewhere. She wants to the father, is that he himself to buy a train ticket, ready to go to dad. I am very surprised, she is only 10 years old, alone by train to go to the father. I asked her, she smiled and said: "person, will one day be your life. If you always rely on mom and dad, you will never grow up."

I suddenly wake up, and said to her: "thank you for giving me a meaningful lessons, and I will never forget you." Taking the train is coming, and his word, I am reluctant to waved to her, said: "I wish you a pleasant journey!" The train left, but, but her words will always remain in my heart.

I to now have forget her.






The sun is like a boat, how time flies, I was the fifth grade students in a twinkling of an eye, remembered before, is a lot I have forgotten, but I remember my third grade teacher in charge. It is the teacher.

Looking from the outside, she is affable, but her meticulous in class, in the rain. In a row on several class also don't say a word. She put her students settle well at the school, she can be at ease. The teacher can not make people admire?

Teacher as the hearts of others, I should learn more have a spring outing, an early return to school, we didn't come to meet parents, is the teacher take out a cellular phone, very hurry to call the parents, and I said I can go home, and he said, against the "yourself is unsafe, or let your family to meet." Another time, have a temper is not very good boys in our class, when angry, will throw out a carton of milk, it hit in the teacher's glasses, the teacher's eyes were full of blood, but not angry, and said to her: "all right, but also good didn't hit other people." The teacher is really good!

Attending the game at a time, if she have bad grades will try various ways to secure our. That we don't lose heart. Does well after each test has a reward, take an examination of well with encouragement. So the students like her very much.

Teachers' day is coming, I wish the teacher healthy body, all the best.









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