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2023-05-28 05:00:05


导语:成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


I will according to my personal experience, gives three self-defense prescription for young people.

The first prescription was: "must always find a two issues worthy of study." A young man out of the learning environment, if not a two to solve the problems of swirling in my mind, it is difficult to maintain the zeal of the pursuit of knowledge when I was a student. But, if you have a really interesting question make you to think about it every day, every day to lure you to solve it, provocative smile for you every day, you can't help it, at this time, you will look as good as a love insane - no book, you will be selling furniture to buy a book; No equipment, you will be pawnage clothes to buy instruments; Without friends and teachers, you will be miles to find friends and relatives. There is no problem to study, pass will not be in the library book, lock won't study in the laboratory.

The second prescription is: "to develop more amateur interest." Graduates find a career, not suitable for his knowledge; Or is he learned, not necessarily is the heart is fond of him. Is the best way to develop his career outside the more legitimate interests and activities. A person's future often depends on how he USES his free time. He do in his spare time is often more important than his career.

The third prescription is: "always have a little faith." We should believe: the failure of the nation today is because of the past don't work hard, our efforts will have a big harvest in the future of the day. A grain of grain, there will be a full house full of harvest. Success need not come at me, and capability will be in vain.

But I remember two years ago, there was a college graduate to write: "Mr. Hu, you are wrong. We graduated, unemployment! Eat problem cannot be solved, which can when it comes to the question? Career, which can be when it comes to spare? Ask for more than ten years of study, in the end can not paste your mouth, how can have the confidence? So you three prescriptions are of no use!"

For such a disappointed graduates, I want to contribute a fourth prescription: "you have to reflect on, do not blame others, not to blame society."

"Graduated unemployed people how to rescue yourself? There is no other way, only extra effort, oneself learn a little more reliable. More than twenty years old young, if can oneself struggled, not can't grow. The society is the lack of talents and the need of talents. A little bit of effort have ten times as much as one hundred times more often, an ounce of performance is often can have very complete virtual sound, social JiangYe only far more than we deserve it, never really hard and cannot get the social recognition. There was no work, only training can hope to work extra hard, people with jobs and anaerobic treatment is too thin, low status, also can only work extra hard to raise his status by scores. Only stone is a chance to live, because only their own efforts is the most good.









Occasionally, in a corner to find oneself once wrote a small book of poetry, very devout flicking through the once beautiful, poetry is slightly naive yet sincere, is stiff and romantic. Read their own once the hearts of the small language, all of a sudden some dare not face yourself.

For many years, no longer have a dream, there will be no hope, no longer look forward to no longer pursue, has long been accustomed to the status quo, can even for their own decadent justified! This is me? I have an ideal? I used to pursue? The arrogance of the youth, who once grandiloquence, run where go to? I suddenly understand, the youth's dream had been discarded in a corner, like this little poems. I will even make up some lies to deceive yourself childish, in order to give yourself the decadent excuses! This more than a decade, I lost myself!

In childhood, I had a dream when the poet, so have a special liking for Wang Guo it light his poems I have copied several Big Ben, often read the beautiful poem, will dream of the day's own words can also like his, are loved by people. When away from the school, however, when the heavy farm work tired body and mind, I have no interest to read the favorite poem. Until later married, had children, also makes sense as a housewife, living a conformist ordinary day. The beautiful dream, boiler bowl gourd ladle spoonfuls of broken in the crash, once, once the lofty sentiments, also was deeply buried himself.

In mediocre decadent for so many years, lost in the hustle and bustle, sometimes think, if I can insist, if someone can always give me encouragement, maybe my life won't be like this now, but now I finally understand, any external disturbance should not be an excuse for his being bitter, life suffering more should not become a stumbling block to chase my dreams.

From then on, I must change their attitude towards life, challenge themselves from unwilling to mediocrity, regard suffering as motivation. I should rise from now, your own heart to want, not the past. So-called day will drop responsibility on the has, will first frustrates, harasses, hungry always, empty of its body. Maybe this is the fate of my test, why can't I put my life experience as a wealth of my life? Remember the friend once said to me: "art comes from life and above life". Yes, if not ever experience, also won't have my life feeling today, this term, I also should thank this ordeal? Glad that this kind of experience?









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