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2023-05-28 05:03:03




Decade cold window studying, we with impulse in the heart of the school into the university. Here, we absorb the wisdom of predecessors' essence, receive the baptism of the humanistic moral. We are happy, is honored. Because we are college students, we have will swim in the sea of knowledge, resilient climb scientific peak, more rational through the colorful world.

People gave us a glorious title, for giving us so much pleasure of halo, gave us more sincerely return for society, family sacred duty. This is what we college students should have conscience. In the palace of the knowledge, we whether do days with friends, resulting in the noble soul, resulting in the noble personality, let the life sublimate to day! Some people did, moment let conscience traction, for later life show mat the foundation stone of the strong. Sadly, though, there on the way the light and bright, but someone easily throw away the conscience, let the dark cover themselves.

Ma3 jia jue2, once the lovely children, the former top students, but no one can think of, he should have killed four classmates died his classmates. Four Ming is the soul of the left, left us deeply thinking. Ma3 jia jue2, as a college student, should defend their conscience of the pure land, positive and optimistic, hence overcoming mental. But was that he vanished it all, let yourself stand on the same platform with crimes the murderer, ruined his ultimate let evil. He was sad, because he could not let college students conscience deep in his heart, and thus caused the today this irreparable tragedy.

And a don't know should cry for his misfortune, or for his childish smile of xianyang male freshmen, because flowers on valentine's day to admire the girl has declined, he had to choose to jump off a building and stop yourself and your life. He died, people just sympathy for him, felt sorry for his young, for his ignorance. As college students, no college students calm disposal problems, no more college students should have broad mind, is it really as college students of grief.

More of an incredibly legal professional college students, for my father, was kidnapped neighbor kid, to extort 200000 yuan in cash. After being arrested, but on the grounds that the never want to harm the hostages, request the general disposition. Really painful, the pain is so thin, legal awareness of pain for her; So easily kill themselves for her wonderful future pain; More as a college student, she is devoid of conscience of college students.

And so on, around us, bring us is shocked and thinking. Our heart ask yourself: what is it that makes the qualitative change of us they produce? Is low, is fragile, is ignorant, I this is the answer.

The classmates! Don't let stupid tragedies, inspirational songs, repeat in this is permeated with wisdom and flowing stage. Let us join hands to stick to our conscience, in order to play belongs to our contemporary college students' elegant music! Let us join hands to protect our conscience, to the life sail to belong to our contemporary college students.









Dear teachers students:

Everybody is good!

In xx university xx years of autumn, the most beautiful time, I came to xx university. I believe that each had just entered the university classmates surge of emotion surge, top gun. Because, from now on we embark on a journey of a dream. In such a journey, I think there will be a force, it can make us find direction in the confusion, don't give up the struggle in failure, don't forget the dream in the setback. This force, is the belief that the world no one can make you down, and if your faith is still standing. In the process of following your dreams we have lost. I want to for each student entering the university campus go through such a period. Lost someone will give up myself, but I want to waiting for the belief in heart will be able to find the way forward. Occasionally hear some students at the university of q: what can we learn, university, but it is up to you to play four years. And those who can stick to the faith of the heart and constantly pursue the initial dreams, they have another understanding: on universities, university, is the great learning. A deeply Mired in confusion, a persistent in the pursuit of dreams. The power of faith have such very different two kinds of spirit.

Belief is a kind of spiritual strength, is a dream to be a 100% believe is not continuous, high purity to remain. I believe that everyone has a dream. But not everyone can realize their dreams. There is a plant called a dandelion, I like it very much. Although dandelion is most mundane plants in the world, have the most amazing dream. And he is good at stick to your dream. It never content to stay at the corners, the most like to make to the outside world.

Stick to the dream, I am willing to do a dandelion, under the blue sky with his dream of flying with the wind, looking for that piece of fertile ground to realize dream.









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