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2023-05-28 05:08:05




If social history a "cold ling independent from" harmony is the silent floating fragrance, mei is cooperate with it. The plum blossom will receive admiration of people. If social history a cactus, harmony is the cactus on the thorn, it is with it, the cactus can live in a dry desert. Society is like a clear blue sky, I divided it into three equal - help, love and love.

Harmony - help

A bus stop on the side of the road, is an old man is get on the bus, she hobbled walking to the car, when she got on the bus, I didn't see her appearance. She is not high, is full of wrinkles on the face, it was her experience of years vicissitudes of life. She stood next to a woman, her hand can't reach the upper hand, can only hold the handle on the seat, the conductor said to the woman with smile: "you give aunt let sit?" The woman didn't good the spirit cried: "I carsick!" The guy next to really see not bottom go to, immediately stand up and say: "aunt you sit me this." "Ah, well, thank you!" Look at that lady, bowed his head ashamed.

Harmony as the warm spring breeze, blew away the selfish people, brings the atmosphere of the spring to the society, the society to the flood of people help each other, let the society full of vigor and power!

Harmony - love

An old man on the road to walk on the sidewalk, he has over 60, quivering walking. Such as the old man walked to the middle, the car began to move on, the old man like a cat on hot bricks at a loss, all people see in the eye, no one to help the old man. For a moment, ran out of a boy, he quickly pulled the old man's hand, picked up a crutch, the old man to safety. "The old man, you slowly!" "Young man, thank you!"

Harmony is a slight drizzle, moisturize the dry hearts, "good rain knows season" "moistens everything silently"...

Harmony - fondly

A person have a little cat. Its white hair people see people love, it's blue eyes shining like the stars in the sky. One day, the cat is old, can't catch mice, also don't look good. Master in the stormy night under a throw it out. Was hurt leg can't move, it grief. Fur was wet with rain, and its eyes are not shining but full of grief, hatred. Even laughing at the lightning in the sky as if it's fate, until it away... It no longer appear, don't know go to where, should find a home, there should be a man took it, and I in my heart silently pray for it...

Harmony is to express by motion, harmony is beautiful words to praise. Harmony is to help, is the love, is love, inclusive of everything in the world. If there is no harmonious society, is the heart of the desert. If there isn't a harmonious society, luminous pearl is no lack of beauty. Let us in the interpretations of the harmony of people and all things in life!!!!












, life is a palette, it is because of the variety of magic and beautiful colour, will become colorful, colorful.

Yellow: sweet

The warmth of family, is always full of affection, and love with golden yellow to represent the better, because she is a sunshine, moment shines me, care me.

Come home from school every day, the mother will immediately face come with bag for me, I put down the burden, straighten the waist, deep breathe the scent of meal, and then sat down at the table, father will use the wide hand stroking my head, asked me, how was your day today, learning is nervous, don't have too much pressure... At this time, I'll spit out the truth, happy to share with them, share with them. After eating a meal, always feel refreshed, full of energy again. This is from the power of love, no matter where, just think about the harmonious atmosphere in the home, the family happy, always feel warm, sweet, comfortable smile ripples on the face.

Blue: a sense of humor

Class, is a blue ocean, each member is the blossoming spray. If you ask what class teacher is the most humorous, he will not hesitate to say it's A class, what class to ask the most harmonious relations between teachers and students, it is A class, why? You don't believe god, listen to me what you will understand.










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