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2023-05-29 02:37:04




Hello everyone, my name is 97 - I - B - 2, the name is very strange, let me explain. "97" is my family name, because my family name is "often" after the 97th in 2800 published "m name is"; "I" is the ninth in 26 English letters, that I began this name after A.D. 2800 often home after 9 generations; As for the "B" is the "boy", the first letter in the English language that I am a boy; The last 2 that I am the second child in my family. Ok, introduce yourself over, then I want to through the tunnel of time and space, to go to the home of my ancestors Chang Jin.

Just out of the tunnel, then got a slap, I touch a burning spicy face, complained: "what?" Chang Jin apology: "I'm sorry I'm sorry, we were playing mosquitoes?" Because I often play to find him, he already knew me. "In fact don't have to bother." I pretend that professor's tone, "in our century, 30 children was born, will be two types of vaccine: the first is from a variety of prey on text extracted from plants and animals in insects" AX - 297 ", mosquito after inoculation wouldn't normally attack to you; the second is the bottom of the sea in the Bermuda triangle "BaoZao collagen A2", when you fall quickly, blood from the wound, accept to carbon dioxide and oxygen, into the "BaoZao collagen A2" in the blood will be instantaneous solidification on the area played a rapid hemostatic pain, helps wounds heal, blocking the function of the bacteria to enter the wound way." Chang Jin of exclamation: "ah! The future world is really wonderful!




I have a lot of inventions dream, I want to invent something useful to the people.

I want to invent a car, the car named sunshine car, can again diving, run on the ground, energy is the sun. In sunny day, the solar panels convert sunlight to electricity, drive cars, and the extra electricity saving electricity box, so that even in cloudy or rainy days go out don't but heart. This car can also guard against theft! If someone wants to steal your car, sunshine car sensors will sound an alarm, then pop up the rope tied down in the car thief. It can also dive 8 meters, for 1 hour.

I have invented a kind of clothes, the clothes is called multi-function clothes, there are red, yellow, blue, green, white, five colors of the button. If it rains, you press the red button, the clothes will be more than a thin layer to touch, to rain, so as not to get wet. If you want to travel somewhere, just click on the yellow button, say where you want to go to, the clothes will automatically take you to. If you want to fly in the blue sky, just press the blue button, the back of the clothes will be more than a rocket ejector, let you free to fly in the sky. In the heavy snow in winter, you just press the green button, clothes will release heat, let you feel warm like spring. In the hot sun hot summer, you press the green button under two, you will feel like autumn is cool. If tired one day you want to send out, just press the white button, the clothes will emit a pleasant, beautiful music, let you sleep sweet sweet secret.

My dream, my invention...








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