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my dream英语作文「附中文」

2023-05-29 05:30:09

my dream英语作文范文「附中文」



We often make some bad inventions, often make a joke, shampoo here to tell you about the story.

One day the mother drink yili milk, feel is not good to say to want to wash with it.

After washing a head without exception, until the hair dry, you guess what? But you will not guess who. Her head was all dry milk, and the hair is full of explosive, absolutely hopeless, stiff hair knock on the table "when, when, when" sound. There is no way, remember the last is I help her mother with a hammer knock down outside the hair dry milk, hair washed several times with water again to get back together.

Our home shampoo is a lot of more phyletic, but basically the shampoo is not much left in the bottle, I will put them in the shampoo, hair conditioner, mixed together, though not uniform, but the effect is very good, feel cool and wash up.

Now I'm in the shampoo and soap, the result is a smell of the shampoo, suddenly I'm all out. I plus some other shampoos in the shampoo and soap, the washing up as good as the shampoo that effect on the package, is a grey color, very ugly.







One night, and had a wonderful dream, dreamed that he met two friends. One is called doraemon, another name is pleasant goat.

One day, on the way home from school, receive met two bad guys, a big mouth, another name is long nose, aunt both of them are robbed a purse. Aunt to shield the wallet while loudly shout: "stop thief! Stop thief!" Then receive also shouted: "doraemon, pleasant goat, you come quickly!" The pleasant goat and duo la A dream from the sky, misty can stay. Then duo la A dream from the treasure bag took out two large clamp, A clip on the big mouth mouth, another clip clip on the long nose nose. Ache all over them. Then pleasant goat brought a big gun, ignition, pa, with a long nose and big mouth was flying cannon on the top of the sky, loudly shout: "help! Help!" Scintillation, disappears! Receive saw two big bad guys get punished, and danced for joy.

Is smiling, and heard her voice, open your eyes see, shout loudly 1: "it is a wonderful dream!"




【my dream英语作文范文「附中文」】



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