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my favourite animal英语作文

2023-05-29 05:37:04

2016关于my favourite animal英语作文范文



I like the little white rabbit GuangXi District baise baise tiandong RuanYi first primary school five (1) class a friend, I want to tell you, my family raised a lovely small white rabbit, I give it a name called "white white". White white body is small and exquisite, heard nothing is born in our thumb so small, this sentence let me with a grain of salt. After more than a month long in vain it in white and soft fur, two long ears and always stand, four legs, with short front legs hind legs, two eyes like ruby, going round and round to turn, a three petal mouths, very cute. Just feeding, for nothing, don't know me, very timid around strangers, see I always huddled up, like a big pompon. After a period of feeding, getting to know me now, also familiar with, every time see me, just with two red eyes staring at me, with the tongue lick their cages, small mouth moving, as if to say: "little master, you can come back, I'm hungry, hurry up and feed me." Nothing's favorite food is green vegetables and carrots. But leaves must be washed again after dry, or feed it will get sick when too wet leaves, long out of MAO neither soft nor smooth. All be eating up to eat slowly, carefully partners see it like this, all kua it "sven." Always like in vain against the wall on the other side of the cage to sleep, maybe it felt relatively cool, etc. If you wake up it will shakes his head, stretch and waiting for me to feed it. A meal to eat only in vain SanSiPian leaves, but five or six meals a day, can really be called "eat much food less". If it is hungry, he will use a heavy begging eyes looking at you. I just put the leaves into a cage, could you release your hand, it can't wait to lick my hand, blame itchy. Nothing is my best companion animal, it adds a lot of fun to my life. I hope and all be together forever, never apart.

我喜欢的小白兔 广西区百色百色市田东县第一小学五(1)班阮毅 朋友,我想告诉你,我家饲养了一只可爱的小白兔,我给它起了个名字叫“白白”。白白身体小巧玲珑,听说白白刚出生的时候才有大拇指这么小,这句话让我半信半疑。一个多月后白白长这一身雪白而又柔软的毛,两只长长的耳朵,总是竖着,四条小腿,前腿短后腿长,两只像红宝石一样的眼睛,滴溜溜地转,一张三瓣嘴,非常逗人喜爱。刚刚饲养的时候,白白不大认识我,很怕生,看见我总是缩成一团,像个大绒球似的。经过一段时间的喂养,现在渐渐认识我了,也比较熟悉了,每当见到我,就睁着两只红眼睛盯着我,用舌头添着铁笼,小嘴动来动去,好像在说:“小主人,你可回来了,我饿了,快点喂喂我吧。”白白最爱吃的食物是青菜和萝卜。但菜叶一定要洗干净后再晾干,不然喂它太潮湿的菜叶时就会生病的,长出来的毛既不柔软也不光滑。白白吃起东西来细嚼慢咽的,小心翼翼的伙伴们看到它这个样子,都夸它“斯文。”白白总是喜欢靠在墙壁那边的铁笼里睡觉,也许它觉得较为凉快吧,等它睡醒时,就会摇摇头,伸伸懒腰,等着我来喂它呢。白白一餐只吃三四片菜叶,可是每天要吃五六餐呢,可真称得上“少食多餐”了。如果它饿了,就会用一重乞求的眼神望着你。我刚把菜叶伸进铁笼里,还没来得及把手松开,它便迫不及待地舔着我的小手,怪痒痒的。白白是我最好的动物伙伴,它给我的"生活增添了不少乐趣。我希望和白白永远在一起,永不分开。


The small white rabbit is a kind of temperament is tender and very clever animals. It looks like a mouse, but much bigger than a mouse. Its hearing is very sensitive, as long as hear the sound of the little tiny, will put up two small ears, and exquisite toward warily around looking, small, round eyes, bright like two little cherry inlaid on the lovely face. Its whole body with Snow White hair, feels very comfortable. The small white rabbit gentleness, more performance in gait, and eat of it. The small white rabbit gait, never walk like other animals, but delicate, very carefully. Sometimes the little white rabbit go tired, under the sun, curled up into a ball and motionless, for a while stretches the body, for a moment, enjoy the caress of sunlight. The small white rabbit ate, like a shy little girl. The small white rabbit orders need two things: as water, is carrot. First slowly walked to the front of the job, the little white rabbit can't wait looking forward to your dinner. The small white rabbit irregular eating, it sometimes eat radish; Sometimes only to eat, so frequent change maybe is to the taste of the rabbit. I like it like the small white rabbit, gentle, naughty lovely personality.

小白兔是一种性情温柔又非常机灵的小动物。它的样子像老鼠,只是比老鼠大得多。它的听觉很灵敏,只要听到一点儿细微的声音,就会竖起两只玲珑的小耳朵,警惕地朝四周张望,那双圆圆的小眼睛,亮得像两个小樱桃镶嵌在可爱的面孔上。它全身长着雪白雪白的毛,摸上去舒服极了。 小白兔的温柔,更表现在它的步态和吃相中。 小白兔的步态,从不像其他动物那样大摇大摆的,而是扭扭捏捏的,小心翼翼的。有时小白兔走累了, 还会在阳光的照耀下,蜷缩成一团,一动不动,一会儿舒展身体,一会儿四脚朝天,尽情享受阳光的爱抚。 小白兔的吃相,像个害羞的小姑娘。小白兔需要两样东西下饭:一样是水,一样是萝卜。小白兔先慢吞吞地走到饭碗前,迫不及待的期待着自己的晚餐。小白兔吃饭不规则,它有时只吃萝卜;有时却只吃饭,这样频繁的变化也许正符合兔子的口味。 我喜欢小白兔,喜欢它温文尔雅,淘气可爱的性格。

【2016关于my favourite animal英语作文范文】



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