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2023-05-29 07:16:02




A man in a nest perched on the mountain top, caught a young eagle, he took the young eagle home, kept in cages. The baby hawk and chickens pecking, playfulness and rest together. It is thought he was a chicken. The eagle grew up, full-fledged, the owners want to train it into a falcon, but because of all the chicken and mix together, it has become exactly the same as that of a chicken, there is no desire to fly. Master tried all kinds of way, all to no avail, finally took it to the top of the hill, a throw it out. The eagle, like a stone dropped straight, flustered tried to beat its wings, just like that, it finally flew!



Hone like rainbow after wind and rain, flowery colors; Hone such as condensed pearl sand, fruity and luster; Honed as a tsunami in haiyan, proud to fly. If life without polish, and how can show the wonderful life. As bingxin said: successful flower, people just admiring her present mingyan, but when she shoots, tears and blood of the sacrifice of the struggle through the rain.

Covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, high winds and rain to. Rolling clouds like a cloud of thick ink, a silver snake on the churning, HSS bite in the air; The wind as the desert took a fright at the buffalo, unstoppable; The bullets of the rain, such as the battlefield, but go to. So poor conditions have created a out of the silt but not imbrued rainbow of lotus, the brilliant light, colorful nobility.

Gravel drilling clams, brought suffering to clam, mussel grains of sand in the body a little out, but sand stick firmly on the clam. So clam the gravel continuously roll mill, hope will sand smooth, that don't harm the body, but paid his own blood, suffered painful torture... After a long time, when people find it, in its body to find a dry beans, with glittering and translucent burnish round pearl.

The Antarctic continent surrounding coastal like mirror, all kinds of biological happy living here. Suddenly, the clouds quickly gathered, a long lightning across the halcyon harmony sky, clouds and lower, as if to fall commonly, surf the coast, more and more fierce, the tsunami came. Penguin muttered thoughtfully, unprepared. At the moment, the dark clouds rolling in waves over through the black figure one by one, that is the brave petrel. Waves on a coast, ruthlessly crushed spray 4 splash, haiyan, such as the individual left arrow, streak through, to succumb to the vitality of life.

Finally, a rough sea, the petrel undeterred, go forward, go all out. Finally, the sky dark clouds disperse, clear sky, retain the petrel arrogant fearless.

Only after a harsh winter in view, can only see the rainbow after wind and rain, only to go through the mill have the harvest!










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