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2023-05-29 07:18:01




Success is how to? I think many people would say that luck! Or genius bai! But who seriously thought about success is really about?

In a magazine once covered embossing. It is said that pauillac flower grows in the vast desert. It has been four seasons for suffered cruel of sand swallow wind erosion. Experience so much, it is one hundred years to open three months the flowers. Such as the one hundred, bitter before the return flowers just in March one hundred, this is obviously not. However, this is lucky pauillac spent to some pauillac flowers early in the process of waiting in a pool of blood.

Actually we are pauillac flowers for his goal struggle, with pay, also waiting. Have pay does not necessarily have to harvest, of course, but if you don't pay will certainly didn't gain. Is like a flower pauillac, there will always be setbacks in the long wait and unexpected, but if the pauillac flower afraid of setbacks fear that it will never bloom accidentally. If we are afraid of setbacks fear of an accident, then we will never succeed.

Successful flower, people just admiring it when bright, and when the bud of soak the struggle leiquan, with the blood rain of sacrifice. We are eager to succeed, then we will be like a flower pauillac use regretless pay and wait to watering the seeds. Because success is tempered.






Along with the growth of the age and the passage of time, we became the junior middle school students, stepping thorns, we in the boundless huge crowd to find their own path of growth.

Hours later, we can imagine is that simple: we zhang wings to fly in the sky, we rode the rocket into space. But now we grow up, grow up to make us lose a childhood dream, fight for your future, became our imagination to their goals. We experience reality in the imagination. Then we grow up in real life.

When I was a child, we are so naughty, love and friends in the outside, try to overtake each other in love with childish thing at home. But now we grow up, we are faced with the choice of the future. The strong can break through the bound of cocoon, become butterfly, and the weak can only be doing nothing, death in silence in the cocoon. So we grow in the struggle and struggle.

When I was a child, is our favorite comic book, it always brings us joy. But now we grow up, the growth that we throw away the useless things, to supplement their literary self-restraint. No matter how many we don't want to, but always also can't get away from the fact that not learn will ruin yourself. So we grow in learning.

Struggle to accumulate for growth, growth for success. We are like a lily is going through wind and rain, will usher in fragrant after all kinds of experience.









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