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2023-05-30 02:18:04




Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's four big tragedy, is also the most famous of its work, by many Sally critic as Shakespeare all creation and the representative works of the Renaissance. If "Othello" is about feelings, "king Lear" is about the family of Macbeth is about ambition, so "Hamlet", is a combination of all three, and in this affection, affection and ambition of the final reflect one's character.

Hamlet is as real as every one of us, but than our great again. He is a giant, it's a real person. Hamlet in his own "destruction" to destroy the ugly uncle claudius. With their own "destruction" deep stab the ugly reality at that time a knife; With their own "destruction" accomplished his motherland - Denmark's "survival"; Also with their own "destruction" left the sobering proposition "Hamlet". Hamlet is a secular end up with bad of a hero, but his tragic not pessimistic! Someone once said that in fact a cup with a profound beauty, cup with existing advantages is that it is not just to win people one of the leaders of tears, but through the cup with the whole process of the formation, development and conclusion of serious thinking about the good life. Tragedy is through to all conflict necessity reveal, expressed the true, the good and the beautiful certainly!

In all the works of sand weng, "Hamlet" is probably the most controversial film, film is also the most attention. No matter which one do you in life's stage, when you had a rich and deep spiritual life, when you have promoted their own personality, to found a new self, you always can find some in the < Hamlet > you will feel that seems should belong to the eternal and imperishable. In large level, it describes a kind of extremely primitive, people.

The play has a very classic lines about death:

Survival or destruction, this is a question of facing: should silently endure heavy destiny's relentless strikes, or with deep as the sea of infinite misery. Involve, and overcome them. The two choices, which turns out to be a noble?

Hamlet has chosen to death, "dead sleep, but it is so! If a sleep can end the pain of the mind and body of cancer, so, the end is looking forward to!" Death is not terrible, but a home, a form of the safest and most appropriate soothe the soul. Unfortunately, at the time of death is not completely clean. No one can tell us what is after they die, don't know whether after death really a dream, and the dream will be perfect or cruel.

Fate, character, choice?? These this is Hamlet eternal charm? "One thousand readers, there are one thousand readers, has a very artistic charm of Hamlet, with its unique charm on the world stage influenced generations of people, impressed by millions of readers. In "Hamlet" there, many people see??

In my eyes, "Hamlet" classic characters, plot development and their images are but is made by the invisible hand of fate tragedy.












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