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2023-05-30 02:18:07




Hamlet is Shakespeare's most famous - department, it highlighted reflects the author's humanist thought. Shakespeare said, his work is "for natural as a mirror, for virtue to take a look at his face, to the absurd see their attitude, to age and social see their image and mark". Hamlet is the epitome of an era.

Hamlet is the Renaissance humanist ideal. He is the prince, according to tradition, is kingship successor, of course. However, he was the perfect future upside down in the wrong era. Play the beginning, the author will show a hideous social picture: national palace coup, the king was killed, schemer stole the throne; The queen had remarried; Full chao, detained snobbery, and so on. As if by the end of the world. So the prince shouted out "times be totally disconnect" roar. People strongly feel this is the soul of "time" in itself. Hamlet was a honest, optimistic, has the ideal youth, under normal circumstances, he can be a wise monarch; But the reality of the social force he had to fool on occasion for revenge. He is the product of that particular era of unrest.

In Hamlet in this drama, everywhere can see the author attempts to typical character in their own into a heroic image of originality: Hamlet is very shrewd, persevering in the bad situation, he dared to struggle on the high plane of tit for tat, he felt the evil king set - each trick: first puncture polonius and mark rosenker and others to spy on and monitoring of the game; And to the queen found unbelieving; After the "figures" get rid of the crafty, and two of the king of the king of rape "impeded" conspiracy shattered; Finally "deal with a man as he deals with you", return the double trap - sword and wine to the king of rape. In each round of struggle, Hamlet is tall image. Thus there are commented, "Hamlet" is a "giant", it makes sense.

But Hamlet is not "perfect". Although he is good at thinking, but indecision; Although he loved by the people, but does not believe the people. He said: "age become more like a face, - a farmer toe heel should be so close to a courtier, scraped the latter frostbite." Visible Hamlet's social reform and the farmers are far from the requested change. Despite admirable to Hamlet, tried to blow away the cobwebs, but he always made his joy, indecision, he is always alone. It's doomed he and the tragic fate of the ugly mutually assured destruction.

"Hamlet" describe the character psychology of language is very rich, this in all Shakespeare's tragedy is also very prominent. Like most Hamlet's character is "crazy", expressed his "readily absurd speech" burst forth like a spark. Claudius got language is quite beyond the reflecting pool out his false. Polonius love in verse language, give a person with a funny impression.

Because it talks about the choice of life, about the history of a life in particular and the living environment of people on his personal intellectual is unique, and for all mankind, is the fate of the common front, with only limited experience accumulated from the past to rely on and depends on the circumstances, the selection of the road of life. From some benefits, said his experience also represents our own experience, he has to cope with the fate of at some point in our lives and we have to deal with. We deal with the existence of despair, truth, groping in the contradictions in the fog, to find the truth to act in a dilemma, lost in a standard and to be able to measure the scale of the world of spirit building and reconstruction of value system...

Hamlet is not perfect, and sometimes his choice is irrational, quite impulse, such as when he sword stabbed to death under the anger he mistakenly thought is the king of polonius, perhaps his irrational decisions, however, the weakness of human nature, from the bottom of my heart, let us understand and agree with his artistic image, because we often able to see his shadow on myself...

All in all, Hamlet is a humanist thinkers of the cup, is the European Renaissance in soil steadily out of a long open unbeaten flower of the art until this day, do it sends out a unique fragrance.












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