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2023-05-30 02:20:01





The New Year, fireworks is everyone would do: couples with fireworks in order to pursuit of fashion, the adults of fireworks is in pursuit of perfect harmony, children with fireworks in the pursuit of happiness... Everyone in the joy of fireworks in the rain, and I the revellers guy how in the huge Chinese version of the carnival is absent?

In order to celebrate the New Year, grandpa and I have to buy a large number of fireworks. Eaten on New Year's eve when we prepare to fireworks in the street can't help but shocked: I saw the street has long been a sea of people, everyone is looking for sites for fireworks.

Anxiously to bear the children early, they began to put up the children's class fireworks: some "astronaut" 1 to "brush", after being lit one by one to fly on the air, the vast sky like a black cloth is this a few "astronaut" tong "" east, west. After a long time "astronaut" to navigate to fall back into the earth, the "black cloth" to be "sewing".

Look at the front, a large group of "the flower" was lit, see them from time to time, green and red, sometimes red violet, sometimes cyanine is tie-in, watch me too many things to see. Before I read enough, only heard "peng", on the west side there were cheers again.

I look to the west, originally ah "the peacock" also appear, they are arranged in a triangle, and then in everyone's applause and hopes "the tail" : the colorful fireworks up injection, at the same time accompanied by the sound of "before", like the hidden peacock opened its beautiful feathers in the people's glance left and right.

Fuelled by fireworks in these year night be pushed to the highest level, finally I expect most leading role - "meteor shower" also moved in, I saw it, "shua" bundles of fireworks into the arms of the night, "bang" a loud again launched a brilliant smiling face.

Oh, that bundles rise of fireworks represents my expectations for the New Year, the aim of the New Year.









The New Year

"The New Year, New Year's day, mother's voice in my ear rings, for New Year's day today, don't be mother scold. And dad, I heard my mother's voice, quickly wear good clothes, brush teeth, wash it hard. Just go to grandpa grandma happy New Year. Thanks to a good year is already there.

Finally arrived at noon I look forward to the old, we take three gifts went to grandma's home. To my grandma's sister we see brother has arrived, my grandmother cooked delicious food and a big, round dumplings, everyone a smell of rice XiangDou rushed to the restaurant. The dinner, at the sight of the food, we two sister mouth water. Braise in soy sauce meat. Sweet and sour fish. Bullfrog...

A good meal, my brother and I bought a lot of firecrackers waipojia the gate, firecrackers was deafening, without thinking of wang anshi wrote < < ganjitsu > > firecrackers in New Year's eve, the spring breeze gifts into the toso. Find eye pupil, always put the new peach in old character.

At 8:00 in the evening we all watched the annual Spring Festival evening party on time we sometimes is funny, crosstalk joke; From time to time be beguiled by the singing of the beautiful sounds; Or for the lantern riddle racking my brains.

To play 10 points on the mother to the kitchen to burn delicious dumplings my father and I take this opportunity to set off firecrackers outside.

Sleep when thinking of XX years happened but also people to look forward to see.

So everybody happy welcome XX years!




吃好饭,我和哥哥买了好多鞭炮在外婆家的大门口放,鞭炮声震耳欲聋,不经想起了王安石写的<<元日>>爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏.千门万户瞳瞳日, 总把新桃换旧符。








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