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2023-05-30 04:23:01




A mother's love is great, but, in addition to maternal love, have a more wonderful love, that is a father, that kind of hidden love.

Out of life, maternal love and father love accompanied us to grow. When I started learning to walk, fell, mother picked up my heart, with candy to me. Father is strict let myself to stand up, from now on, I can't rely on dad, is always afraid of dad's face tense up. But I don't know that serious behind, there is love, love.

Once, when mother on a business trip, my father only cooked their own meals every day, I cook. The summer camp, I cooking up a lot of people. I just found out that, dad is good to me, in addition to wash clothes and so on. Originally, father is good to me, his mother would give me money, let myself go to the canteen to eat, and my father, he is let me cook cooking, has trained my ability of self-care.

At another time, I launched a high fever at night, and mom, dad took me to the hospital quickly, running up running down in the hospital. Dad came to my bedside, I saw the father's secrete sweat, in the eyes of worry, ask me what's wrong with, any better. At that moment, I deeply feel the father's love, as a father of a mother's love.

My exam, dad always said: "don't be afraid, as long as you do your best, give my best for you, you are a winner." Will take me to the field, after, feel pure and fresh nature, forget the troubles, sad. The next test, I always do well. Don't blame me, dad would only encourage my next test good point, perhaps, I really feel the purpose of the father, and that always support my father when I was weak.

Feel but again there is a wonderful love, and a father.








A strict requirements, kindly smile, shining kind words, yet warm encouragement... Are parents to our love, this love is higher than the mountains, deep than the sea, and from our birth, bathed in the love, in love grow, grow up.

This text is a vivid example, the text to the father, praised his father, but a father to the father constantly, don't eat, don't drink, don't sleep to dig for 38 hours, this is what an amazing, what a superhuman perseverance! In Los Angeles in the massive earthquake, a man risked his life in danger, holding the firm faith, regardless of the dissuasion, through hardships, after 38 hours of digging, finally rescued son under the ruins and the story of 14 students.

So, what makes the father dug 38 hours, because of the strength of a father is permeated with his body, or because he has made a promise: to Amanda xu son no matter what happens, I will always be with you. So the father didn't try very hard to find, only one thought in mind: I want to save my son! He will not die, he is waiting for me! In fact, in that case, says he disorder, but the disorder very great! Said he was not wrong, but I do not disorder very amazing!

I see, what love is, love is not tired, love is persistent, love is selfless, love is great! These reminded me of black May 12, 2008, is the power of love, is love saved our brothers and sisters, is the love made all of us! The power of love is infinite!








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