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2023-05-30 04:28:13




My father is responsible for the work, treats people the enthusiasm, it makes me feel very proud. But he could get into the habit of smoking. I hate father and mother are the most smell of smoke! So, I secretly determined to help dad to quit smoking.

Start I want to, scold him, make him feel embarrassed, maybe he will give up smoking. But which has children scold father ah, somebody else would laugh at me, even said I unfilial. So I hesitated, as I hesitated, suddenly think: my father not to their own children to take an examination of? I can use the results to help him to give up smoking. That's settled, I secretly determined. Discussed with dad, I'm hard to learn. Everything comes to him who waits, after a phase of efforts. I finally in a unit exam out of the good grades - optimal points. I can't wait to show it to the father, father saw said: "I don't smoke anymore." You don't think he will change, don't! One evening, I eat a meal, suddenly smell a smell of smoke. I glanced at dad, frowned, and sure enough that I expected, dad smoke up again. Ah! As the saying goes, "" a leopard cannot move, but never his nature! It's true. I ran towards my father said, "father ah, you don't promise me, later don't smoke, how to speak not count?" I said, ye said his dad's arms. Heard my this sentence, dad shuffled put out your cigarette, helplessly say: "good good, I took you for a long time." Looking at dad is correct, I bewick.

But no smoke smell in my disappear, father often contain smoke up to. This how line? So, I was determined to help dad technetium completely give up smoking. In the next few days, I am busy as a bee. In the end, I know that chewing gum to quit smoking, so my mother to come there for some money, bought a box of "green arrow chewing gum, wrapped in paper, write the" sugar "quitting. To write a letter, this letter to express the emotion I wanted dad to quit smoking. In the evening, I put the letter to my father, together with the "quit smoking sugar" I do not know how to wear, a few days later, my father didn't have a smoke. From then on, hate the smell of smoke in my house is gone! I'm so happy. Because I have a mistakes can change good father!





Everyone had heard of fans, the fans? You guess what my dad is a fan? Guess not to come out and tell you the truth, my father is a heavy smoke fan. Home from school every day, I was the most common dad sat on the sofa "puff", the whole room malodorous. Since my father joined the smokers team, not the body as before, his face sallow, tortured teeth suffered "time" - black yellow, even the two fingers of smoke suffered "hackers" - yellow. I'm really worried about father's body. So, I was determined to help dad to quit smoking. In order to quit dad smoke, I've been racking my brains, came up with three scheme. Hum! Is he not quit.

I'll use the first recruit: hidden smoke. One day, I got up very early, while father is sleeping, I crept "into" the father's bedroom. I think: smoke in his pocket, I stretch out my hand to touch in the past, ha! Cigarette case. Suddenly, my father move for a moment, I immediately put his hand back. O.k., dad just turn over and sleep again. Once again I put his hand into his father's pocket, in the ear of take out smoke, and then quietly slipped out, go back to my small room immediately put the "culprit" - smoke, hidden in my drawer, "pa" to the locked. Hee hee! I thought I start is good! But dad smoke and suck up to the next day. It turns out that dad had read my mind, his possession of a box. Cough! True take he can't help it!

Opinion, don't give him a severe look is washed-up. So, I use the second recruit: throw cigarette lighter. One day, a father shoving the lighter on the table, went to play computer. I take the book on the table, steal, picked up a cigarette lighter, turned and ran to the downstairs. Once I grind teeth, a stamp, "accomplice" - lighter "sent" to the dustbin. Hey hey! I think this can work, when cooking can never expected dad arrived "inspiration", lit the cigarette plug to the gas burner, and draw up. Alas! Really let me wry smile can not ah!

"Ginger is old spicy! Dad is really tough. I had to repeat the third trick: "killer", sign a contract! I wrote on the paper: dad, for you and your family health, please quit smoking! I also put forward the following requirements: (1) when want to smoke, sugary fast. Second, pay the full of smoke. Three, if found smoking, "the contract" all the housework. Dad looked, and said to me: "good boy, have to deal with me with housework, have with you," in every possible way, dad finally signed. My father and I all laughed. Wow!!! Don't say, the coup worked. From then on, my dad and his "old friend" - smoke, bye bye! Our "environmental protection" is completely solved.

Yeah! Dad quit smoking a cigarette, I played!









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