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2023-05-30 04:29:02




My father is responsible for the work, treats people the enthusiasm, it makes me feel very proud. But he could get into the habit of smoking. I hate father and mother are the most smell of smoke! So, I secretly determined to help dad to quit smoking.

Start I want to, scold him, make him feel embarrassed, maybe he will give up smoking. But which has children scold father ah, somebody else would laugh at me, even said I unfilial. So I hesitated, as I hesitated, suddenly think: my father not to their own children to take an examination of? I can use the results to help him to give up smoking. That's settled, I secretly determined. Discussed with dad, I'm hard to learn. Everything comes to him who waits, after a phase of efforts. I finally in a unit exam out of the good grades - optimal points. I can't wait to show it to the father, father saw said: "I don't smoke anymore." You don't think he will change, don't! One evening, I eat a meal, suddenly smell a smell of smoke. I glanced at dad, frowned, and sure enough that I expected, dad smoke up again. Ah! As the saying goes, "" a leopard cannot move, but never his nature! It's true. I ran towards my father said, "father ah, you don't promise me, later don't smoke, how to speak not count?" I said, ye said his dad's arms. Heard my this sentence, dad shuffled put out your cigarette, helplessly say: "good good, I took you for a long time." Looking at dad is correct, I bewick.

But no smoke smell in my disappear, father often contain smoke up to. This how line? So, I was determined to help dad technetium completely give up smoking. In the next few days, I am busy as a bee. In the end, I know that chewing gum to quit smoking, so my mother to come there for some money, bought a box of "green arrow chewing gum, wrapped in paper, write the" sugar "quitting. To write a letter, this letter to express the emotion I wanted dad to quit smoking. In the evening, I put the letter to my father, together with the "quit smoking sugar" I do not know how to wear, a few days later, my father didn't have a smoke. From then on, hate the smell of smoke in my house is gone! I'm so happy. Because I have a mistakes can change good father!





My father loves smoking, always smoke in the home, I hate the taste.

One day, I accidentally saw a line of words, writing on the cigarette case, smoking is harmful to health. I was surprised, it really is not a good thing. I decided with her mother to help my father to give up smoking.

We don't have lighter couldn't smoke think of dad, so I just hid the stole his lighter. One day, a father and want to smoke, he is looking for his cigarette lighter, the results could not find. He was very anxious, you yourself to buy a new one, my mother and I decided to hide his smoke again. Dad seemed to have noticed this is my mother and I did it, he has no weakness, unexpectedly again to buy a smoke. My mother and I decided to fight with him. He bought a box, I hide a box, he bought one, I hid a. Dad finally surrendered.

Ha ha, success!








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