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2023-05-30 06:49:06




Look, skateboard car streets can be seen everywhere. Of course, what fashion wind involve me this zhuifeng fan! In the afternoon and evening, you often see me study hard.

"Come on, baby, come on!" That is my father and mother to quick discouraged egging me on. Alas, at ordinary times to watch the skateboard car all is spirited, light wind. But now I learn how so hard? Is really easy to learn but difficult to look it! I just set foot on right foot board, body is unsteady, foot slipped, and fell flat on his face. "Keep balance, must balance!" In mother repeatedly remind me, dad sometimes see I'm wrestling, hasten to help me. Gradually, I realize some tricks. I in ear trend on a skateboard, her arms to the eagle's wings, feet kept twisting, scooter slip up at last!

But not happy with how long, will run into a corner, no matter how I twist, scooter is cannot turn, see will hit the tree, I had to ditch the car and flee for life go to! In order to learn to turn, I purposely picked a "cross". But failed again and again, and sometimes jump down before, I also had a fall. When I practiced so big just a skateboard car to a sister, as she turn turn grace, so skilled, skirt has set off a wave. I watch carefully, I found she was turning all lean forward, but leg position unchanged, keep the balance of the original. In accordance with the method of her I have a try, indeed as expected success!

After a few nights of practice, I finally can skate scooter. I stepped on a skateboard expertly shuttle in each of the streets, and proud to announce: "I catch up with the trend of the!"






One day in winter, the weather is sunny.

Mother said that want to take my sister and I go skating, I was so happy, so I'll go to wear clothes. We three people, go under the bridge, I saw there were so many people were skating here! My mother rented two caused to both of us. Sister sitting on too soon "sou", just slip out of the well. I was very worried, also sit on the too. I tried one slip, "ouch" is bad, I fell on the ice. Mom, laughed. I was very angry, he sat on the ice to sulk. Mother see me in this way, the elder sister looking back, let her to teach me how to ice-skate. Sister elder sister to help me get up, and then sitting on too, holding the ice fork, fork fork on the ice, the ice force back hard, too far away to slide forward. I also learn elder sister, a hard, "oh," I had a fall again, ouch! I fell two falls in a row, and hate in the heart and gas, so I play up the childish, not learned. Then my sister said: "no matter what to do, don't give up." Listen to the elder sister, I have the courage, once again sitting on too, slip up seriously, after a while, I have learned. I gently pressure, caused a sliding forward quickly, then, I am happy to slip up. At this moment, my heart don't mention how beautiful. I learned to skate after car, and sister, we played for a long time, just returned home.

Through learn skating this matter, I understand a truth: never do anything by halves. On this day, I harvest is too big.







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