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2023-05-30 06:52:02




What is the letter? The dictionary says: "the confidence is to believe in yourself." The teacher said: "confidence is the condition of success." I think: "confidence can bring unexpected surprises."

Self-confidence, gave me great success. Remember that's entrance exam the day before, said all the teachers in class exam matters needing attention, that we must be confident, only the confidence can get good grades. How can does not calm calm, even make topic? But, how can I get confidence and calm? Enter the examination room, I would be nervous threw the self-confidence and calm in the side. I finally thought of a good way to go home after school, I thought: "I'm sure I will good..." The next day, decide the fate of my moment is coming. I walk while thinking of a joke. Sure enough, I relaxed a lot. Because the day before had read one hundred times, "I must do well," my confidence multiplication.

"Ding zero zero," the first exam began, the teacher sends down the papers, I have a look at the examination paper, is relatively easy, and leisurely answer, you finish the paper carefully examined for three times the examination paper, when the bell rang again, I will submit. The same is true at the back of the two examinations.

That get graduation certificate, the last time I came to the school, the teacher told me, I this time is very good, broke into the county top 10. I'm happy to jump and jump.

This is the result of my confidence. So, can bring people confidence really surprise! Later, I do anything to have confidence. Let self-confidence, accompany me to the high school to university, to the future career! Also let confidence brought me joy, hope and dreams!







What is my idea of a good faith? Is a person in the life indispensable moral quality. Integrity of the little things in our side can be embodied everywhere.

Remember there is a small test, test after the result came out. The hands of examination papers to each student. A classmate has achieved an enviable good grades, her own is also a proud smile on his face. But, not too much for a moment, she just had the kind of smile disappeared, frowned. Her hands holding a paper, walking slowly in front of the teacher, and then pointed to paper on a topic, quietly say: "teacher, this problem is your sentence is wrong, I wrote the answer is wrong!" The teacher a look, a while, and then use red pen to this problem is changed again, draw a "x", and reduce the three points. Then the teacher said to the class: "making mistakes because of my busy, neglect this problem, this is my wrong. But the students have done very well! She this honest behavior is worth our everybody study!"

Although it looks is very ordinary, but which contains many life important reason, that is honest. In front of false good result and valuable honest, which one would you choose? I think you after hearing this little story happened around us real, you will choose the integrity of precious! Because we know: the results of false can't be for a long time, and the valuable honesty is a virtue. It affects our mind and constantly warned us: the good faith is the soul of man, did not have the good faith, even if you have a high score, it is also useless or no amount of money.







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