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2023-05-31 02:52:03


导语: 特别突出的是那双标志性的熊猫眼,仿佛永远也睡不够似的。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


The panda is a kind of lively and lovely precious animal. It has black and white fur, a round face with a pair of big black rim of the eye and small sparkling eyes. Overhead with two black has ears, limbs black, large and small tail, round, chubby body, appearance is very secure.

Giant pandas live in the forest flourish, fargesia rich mountain valley. It is a natural myopia, what all can't see, can only rely on its sensitive hearing and smell to find food. During the winter of ice and snow, the giant panda doesn't hibernate. Because I couldn't find food, it will climb up the tree, pick wild fruit, or swim across the river to catch fish to eat. In the bamboo forest, they pulled off the bamboo, the most tender stem of bamboo, bamboo big one from sitting on the ground to eat with relish. They will be generous with a sharp claws digging bamboo shoots to eat? When they rest, like on a thick trunk, or lie in the thick grass to sleep.

The panda is not only a national treasure of our country, or peace messengers, happy star! China gave the world a lot of cute panda, set up a bridge of friendship for the people of the world. Everywhere, it will bring to children all over the world very happy. Pandas live, gained access to our country's dream - Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in one hundred. Tuan tuan and yuan yuan put us back together tightly and Taiwan.





A: hi! Everybody is good! My name is the giant panda, a national treasure of China. As early as more than one thousand years ago, I was on the earth. My body only two colors, black and white. I was called panda, but people always call my name upside down.

I am very rare on earth, so I especially popular, no matter which country I go to the, will appear a "panda". The Olympic Games, the athletes call me mascot. After the match, China sent out a couple of giant pandas and athletes in the wild, wild!

I like swimming very much, always and friends in the evening in the pond every day for several hours. I like to eat bamboo, eat a few kilograms of bamboo every day. Sometimes, interest, still can catch a mouse open end a meatless diet.

Grow up, I have to find a partner, I and another company took a fancy to a female panda at the same time, I in order to show his courage, and the other a panda play up. I pretend to hit her with the hand, unaware, she was rushed and bite him, blood from his face. Clutching his wounds eventually run away.

Now, I not only have a beautiful wife, and two cute baby panda!









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