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2023-05-31 03:27:01




Life is precious, because it only once. Since I understand the word "security" has been the father mother's mouth. They always remind me: "children, pay attention to safety, don't let the street car hit you." "Children, pay attention to safety, where the housing construction must make a detour." "Child, must be careful when walking to work in the lake, can't slip fall"... Yesterday noon, something happened in the parking lot, which made me to "security" is a more intuitive and profound understanding. Yesterday, when I pass by school parking lot and see many parents came to pick up their children. Parking lot next to a building is the elevator, around their construction site without any security protection measures, even no security warning signs. When they install aggrandizement glass has a piece of glass dropped down, right beside the head of a parent, the parents were badly hurt, was taken to the hospital. The glass fell from the seventh floor, and strengthen the glass, the weight is heavy, the staggering power must also, I really worry about uncle for the wounded! I think, if decorate the elevator unit to consider the pedestrian safety, so, today the accident can be avoided.

Here, I remind you, must pay attention to safety, in the school and the way to work, to go the sidewalk, encounter dangerous road to go around. We must pay attention to safety, cherish their and the lives of others, because life is only once!




Remember there is a story. A few scholars sailing with a old man. Scholars have asked if the old man to know what is philosophy, old man shook his head. Scholars have sigh: that you have lost half of life. When a huge wave, the boat was overturned, the old man asked: "you would swimming?" Scholars in chorus say not. Old man sighed said: "that you will lose all of the life."

Although this is a story, but it contains the philosophy of afford for thought. Disaster for everyone, regardless of rich and poor alike, regardless of age and gender. Children, students, workers, intellectuals, civil servants... Prattles, or educated, regardless of the young and delicate, or strong, if the lack of due vigilance, don't understand at least the safety of the common sense, so dangerous and could have fled, but will be happened in the unexpected, objective.

ZunZhangShouJi, is to respect life, respect for self. When we can do it all, on the other side of our society and civilian and close to the step. Pay attention to traffic safety, it is the duty of every one of us, but also the responsibility of each of us. Let us join hands to caress the flowers of civilization, let us away from the pain, cherish each other's life.

Today is the tenth national primary and middle school students' safety education day, we hope that the day to wake up again the students attention to traffic safety. Earth, the spring breeze and green. We need to get the sowing the seeds of peace into their hearts. When it bud forth, towering trees, we will harvest more peace, happiness and peace.








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