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2023-05-31 05:17:07




The food safety is a big thing, it affects the human body health, about the lives of the people.

Broadcast on television, the newspaper source, exposing the stunning one by one the truth: the cup makes us admire of pearl milk tea, but it turns out to be processed out of the unsightly "underground factory"; The red jujube, is blue dongzao bubble in liquid and discoloration. Recently with the high-profile, household "sanlu milk powder", make people nervous.

How can we believe every day food is safe?

The past primary school, on my way from school to school, always be on the aroma of barbecue stalls, boneless chicken fillet, stinky tofu. The wide variety of foods, provoked my saliva down three thousand feet, but I don't know whether harmful to health, can only be away, swallow mouth saliva, have to from such temptations. But I really don't want to eat? Absolutely not, at the end of the day or food safety problems make me doubt, in between "good" and "safe", I confused.

As "sanlu milk powder" incident, Erie, mengniu milk companies of dairy products were found to contain melamine, a sharp drop in the sales of dairy products on the market, people have questioned, brands of dairy products made many newborn parents don't know to choose which brand of milk powder!

By rights, food safety for granted. But now who can ensure what food is safe? Food safety should not be reprinted shelf life can muddle through, mei wear conscience to earn money, betting on the people's health!

Food safety alarm again, relevant departments should pay more attention to food safety problems. Strengthen the food safety and improve the ability of food hygiene supervision and inspection, found hidden danger in time, nip in the bud, is suspends in front of the relevant departments of urgent task!

Where safe food?

To junk food away from our side, the health food with our company for food safety everywhere!











Chanzui "children's shoes", attention! Don't want to "Game over" a sweet look too! Now I will announce a thing, you don't have "3 without" food! Since we had the theme class meeting, even I also dare not eat the sweet tooth cravings. A class meeting lesson in our five or six class on Thursday, this time our topic is food safety to remember in my heart. We don't want to buy 3 without food and 3 without drinks, want to know is this why? Let's take a look at!

In the morning I bought a package of 3 without food when I was at school "hot" to the school, see the monitor to come, I hurriedly open, immediately to eat into the stomach, afraid to monitor an adult to take over, after a while, the throat is really "hot". Finally by the second class, I was excited, immediately came to the amphitheatre.

Finally in class, I look around, eyes a bright! Ah! Shelves are all I love to eat, I really want to use "smoking solution" put them away. The students play a sketch, there is a good classmate eat the Fried chicken leg on the stall and got acute gastroenteritis, our young actors, in attempt to, has been called "alas! Alas!"! We watched laughed, but heart some sentimental type, a little afraid of me like this delicious ghosts disease, regret ate a lot of spicy dry tofu. The students immediately began knowledge interlocution, from which I have further understanding about "3 without" food, also learned a lot of knowledge. "3 without" food is no production license, no production date and manufacturer, preservatives to eat many will have cancer! As soon as I hearing carcinogenic, dare not eat, any fool want to have cancer? My what snacks have no appetite for the shelf. The teacher let students out of the sketch, another classmate bought a pack of 3 without food from a market stall, father told her to return, the boss, but it was not immediately turned against the dead she called, let health bureau of the people, a look, just know the shop no business license, it is illegal to sell his house 3 without food, grabbed him. In our theme class meeting city health bureau zhao listened to the podium, told us that "we have to buy food right, don't buy 3 without food, if you have 3 without the product, you can call 5125315, we go where the business license is buying children, had better go to some large stores or chain stores to buy rest assured..." We all have to keep in mind, I think we never be hungry again, we don't buy what 3 without food, we want to eat delicious, health, nutrition, eat out happy! This is important.

This theme class meetings and our life is closely linked, let me understand the importance of food safety, we must get rid of the habit of eating things!

馋嘴的“童鞋”们,大家注意了!不想“Game over”的馋嘴也看过来!现在我将宣布一件事,大家不要吃“三无”食品了!自从我们上了主题班会后,连我这个馋嘴也不敢吃了。周四我们五六班上了一节班会课,这次我们的主题就是食品安全心中记。我们不要买三无食品和三无饮料了,想知道这是为什么吧?咱们就一起来看看!







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