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2023-05-31 05:47:04




My favorite animal is the lovely hamster.

Look! It has white hair, let a person see to touch. Black eyes out lining in the white hair, very conspicuous. Pink mouth, small and exquisite. Talons to tip! Scratch my pain is dead.

They live in a "luxury apartments" : there is a slide, they slip down, like a light snow ball, "sou", interesting! There is a treadmill. Two lazy little hamsters, don't like sports. If you can see it running, but on awards! On the second floor there is a small house, in the winter, they shrink in it.

The most interesting or eat them. I opened a melon seed son, into the cage, they descended at once. Ha! Ha! The big hamster got the melon seed, holding his front PAWS, chewing with relish, ate also ZaBa ZaBa mouth. I peel a grain of melon seed son again, this time is little hamster got the melon seed. I saw it with proud eyes oblique glance at hamsters and eat it happily. I tease them and play, don't put the melon seed shell strip away, throw it in. See hamsters rush toward to come over, with the hand holding the rare treasures, carefully, put in his mouth to bite bite. After a long time, only to find it is wrong, pick it up and examined it carefully to found between - melon seed shell! This bottom it is anger, threw a melon seeds, angrily staring at me. Alas! This is a my ghost!

Delicate little hamsters, clever little hamsters, lazy little hamsters, it is a lovely little hamster!







Summer vacation one day a friend sent me four little hamsters, I gave a name to this four small hamster respectively: a hamster eyes are very red, I named it "red boy", it is also the smallest "crazy", every time I'm going to stretch hand to grasp it, he "cheep" quickly turned up two claws ready to attack. Hamster two fat to call "white gourd seed", although it is very fat but action speed and other hamsters are neck and neck; Hamster three ears hurt just call it "wang"; Four back is grey hamster is "ash seed".

I like the four little hamster. I went to see them every day I came home, wash cage for them, feed them.

On one occasion, I put them in a bucket to wash cage, come back only to find that "gourd seed" and "grey tsai, and ran away. I couldn't find a long time, I would like to: "still looking for tomorrow." But think: "now the balcony door is open, they are likely to go to my mom's room to, disorderly bite, must find them now." Hence to find it again, but in a short time I was heard the hamster's struggle, I followed the struggle, determine the cupboard on the balcony. I gingerly walked over, pull a cupboard door, found that they were in it. When I pull open cupboard door, two little hamsters are suddenly raised his head, as if to say: "who opened the cupboard door?" I promptly put the two lovely "little monkey" to catch cage.

I have a lot of fun little hamster! They really naughty and cute.

I love my little hamster.









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