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2023-05-31 06:12:01




Low-carbon living is a very environmental protection and civilization. We should actively advocate and to practice low-carbon life, to start from the intravenous drip. Pay attention to water saving, power saving, solar terms... So you can have the effect of consumption. Our pupils can also energy and low carbon, such as: don't you disposable chopsticks and disposable fast-food box; No one doesn't open lamp; Conveniently shut the tap; Don't waste food; Don't litter...

In my house, we can use to wash the dishes of water to water the flowers; You can also use wash clothes water to flush the toilet; Or an appropriate is put in the toilet water tank of water bottles, every time can reduce the release of water... , the secondary use not only saves water, still can save a lot of water!

Grandma said: "you can put rice in the water bubble time again to burn, do need not pressure cooker green bean soup, mung beans bubble in a thermos of hot water at night, you can enjoy to drink in the morning."

Dad went on to say: "can not open air conditioning is not open, try to use the fan, or fan; make full use of the natural, such as solar water heater, wind power, can need not the elevator, try to take the stairs, save electricity, and can exercise the body, still can reduce weight!"

His mother wanted to mean to say: "can wash clothes, as far as possible need not washing machine; more open a window ventilated, ready to turn off the lights, shut gas burner..."

.those, our earth to come together, we love, let us up from around things, cherish resources, reducing energy consumption, make our earth more beautiful!








We live in a planet is surrounded by the atmosphere, that is the earth. This is a beautiful planet earth, but has been weakened, emaciated day by day, what's going on, let me tell you:

We now live in a high-tech era, from day to day to day of good, can the environment pollution as the improvement of our life also become more severe. We should pay more attention to low carbon life, the so-called "low carbon" is to reduce carbon dioxide. Because the carbon dioxide can let - that is, the earth's protective ozone layer gradually thinning, after can cause new environmental problems, such as excessive ultraviolet ray can make plastic and other polymer materials is more easy to aging and decomposition, the results and photochemical air pollution. To do low carbon life first of all, we want to bike more, driving less, because now he gets richer people, almost every family has a car, the car exhaust emissions caused environmental pollution, serious impact on people's health. Secondly we have to plant trees, more reason is that trees can desertification land, control soil erosion, windbreak and sand-fixation, increase soil water storage capacity, can greatly improve the ecological environment, reduce the losses of flood disasters. Less air conditioning, because of the use of air conditioning, will reduce the fresh of ozone in the air, especially in the summer, as far as possible less air conditioning, can blow fanner. Finally, we should also with environmental protection shopping bags instead of plastic bags; Replace the incandescent lamp with energy-saving lamps; Permanent chopsticks, lunch boxes, to replace disposable tableware; Using traditional clockwork alarm, replace the electronic alarm clock.

Let low carbon come into our lives and environmental protection into our hearts, we want to make the earth mother to restore the original appearance.







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