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my favourite animal优秀英语作文「附中文」

2023-06-01 02:15:04

my favourite animal优秀英语作文「附中文」



Since the hair cut, I have a friend, "harry potter" the dog.

It was a Sunday at noon, my father took me to the barber, when I was in a haircut, a middle-aged uncle took a "for sale" sign hung back dog, walking to the barber's. My father asked me: "be?" I can't wait to answer: "want!" Father bought the dog, I love touched the dog, it meekly tongue licked my hand. I'm glad to put it back into the house, and gave it the name "harry".

"Harry" snow-white snow-white, showing the aura of big eyes, from time to time, Chou Chou, I here, with its sensitive nose smell smell smell. It pointed mouth, because it is a purebred dog the fox. It has a pair of clever ears, whenever it when sleeping, can put the ears cling to the ground, a furry tail upwards, cling to it's back, little white tail swinging up, like a little round ball rolling.

In order to train the dog to find their way, every evening I will take it run around the neighborhood. Every time I unlock it for the rope on the neck, it will be too impatient to wait should make small but powerful legs and ran toward the distance up, from time to time to hit a few to roll on the grass, hanging up front legs like dolls shanshan to walk a few steps, very funny. Remember once in the evening, because the dog ran so fast that I don't catch up, then burst into tears, grandpa's grandmother and mother will help me to find it everywhere. When we find a good, dad ran and told my puppy is already back to home.

When the dog "harry," my life has added a fun! I love my friend, "harry potter" the dog.







There are many poor people and poor animals in the world. In my neighborhood there is a poor dog, it is helpless, and the disabled.

In a summer day, my neighbor friend came to my house, said: "xiaoyan, field next to our house, have a handicapped puppy." I curiously ask: "what's wrong with it?" She said: "the dog without a tail." "Tail?" Exclaimed, "I can't believe my ears, because, I've only seen the lame dog. She nodded to me. I quickly said: "quick take me to see." Although I was skeptical, but wanted to see, don't want to ask.

When you get there, I really saw a dog with no tail. It against the wall, huddled, seems to be very cold, and seemed to be afraid of us, when I went to touch it, it immediately ran away. In another place and as a group.

I came home and told my father, my father said: "the dog is likely to be hungry, in the side of the above several we don't eat sausage, you go to feed the dog." I rushed to open a root, saw my little dog ran quickly, also shook his tail, said it also want to eat, I had to give it up one 5 of the sausage. Then I put the rest of the sausage is divided into three sections, section by section to the poor dog. In the afternoon I go to the stray dog and another friend, but how also can not find, finally found the dog in a cave, it stuck in the hole, could not get out. Because there is a stone block in the middle, so I just push through a small hole in the stone took out, then a dog's feet, the dog out. Alas! That's a poor little dog, I will try my best to care about it.





【my favourite animal优秀英语作文「附中文」】



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