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2023-06-01 02:40:02




In this summer vacation, I read the diary of Anne frank, this book is a jewish girl during the Nazi German slaughter of jews hiding in the attic to write a diary.

She had to have a happy family, father, mother, my sisters are very love her. But the arrival of the holocaust destroyed it all: millions of people have no family, no home, countless people fell to the bullet, there are thousands of people were taken to a concentration camp... But those who don't know, waiting for their is death!

Annie a chose to hide, they hide behind his father's company with several neighbors, living for 25 months, during this time, have the fear of the police paid them a visit, have the joy of the birthday coming, the thief to visit despair, and the excitement of Anne in love... They in the face of the sudden changes of life optimistic, brave in the face of fear. Her innocent, lovely, lively, frankness, after the injustice and blame, has yet to face life with a smile. They desire to live there, desperate to find hope to survive. Annie also learned a lot here, grown up a lot. But, unfortunately, they finally but was sent to a concentration camp, Anne's father was the only one who survived in the end.

Look at the book, I was very moved by, a teenage girl could even in the case of so very write such exquisite diary: she gradually learn to think, calm and cool.

After that, in order to more deeply understand Anne life situation at that time, I was watching a movie called "schindler's list", I am shocked, a person's life is so not worth, and dignity trampled: an officer morning with a gun on the jews at below; Some people try to hide in the house, was found by Nazi soldiers, soldiers on their shooting... The film in addition to a little girl in red and give the red flame of hope is the color of the other all are black and white, the boundless huge crowd, only to see a little girl in a red coat, how nice! Little girl finally died, so lovely child killed by such ruthless, also with hopes.

Massacre is the history of mankind's darkest night, Anne with her pen expressed the charges of Nazi Germany, also tells us her desire for the freedom of life.

Let us cherish today's peace, pray tomorrow's peace.









There is a book to let me so moved, the myriad of thoughts. A book about the "good life" is called the diary of Anne frank.

The hero of the story is Anne frank, a German jewish woman, Anne frank's house is not too rich.

"I often ask myself, if you don't hide, if we are killed, it wouldn't suffer so many bitter, not those who protect our friends, is not quite good?"? Anne frank was a lively and lovely jewish girl, as a result of the German fascist cruel slaughter, parents, sister, and she had to hid into "back room". In the house, they can't open the window in the daytime, evening also can't turn on the light, speak every day can only whisper, a month can't shower, food and the growing scarcity, but they are still alive.

Ambitious, the brilliant young jews in this way, quietly passed away. The fascists is really damn!

From the diary, I feel, Annie and also is the same as the ordinary people, have their own love, admire, also have dislike or even hate. But she and ordinary people, though she is trapped in adversity, but still has a kind and love learning, at any time constraints, his heart, she did something wrong will reduce the weight of words themselves serious face, timely and correct, to reflect, and apologize for it. All this, I do not too good, I try to learn from her!

I sympathize with Annie, more admiration, Anne in after learning and in life, as often self-examination to Annie, also hope the world peace forever, happy!










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