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2023-06-01 02:46:04




Holiday, I and the father, mother and brother to go mountain climbing.

We are going to climb the mountain "eagle play chicken".

Second dad climb in front, elder brother, I immediately behind his brother. Mom? She fall behind the most.

Mountain steep, not good. We rest a while, and for a while. Climb ah climb, we from "eagle play chicken" is not far off. When I was out of spirits, brother suddenly let out a cry: "ah! That is the 'eagle play chicken?" My brother down the finger to the direction of the past, yeah, a big wings "eagle" is made with a group of chickens! "ha ha, that's interesting. This, I can come to the strength, competing with brother than climbing speed, encourage each other. Go down the stair, we finally climbed up the peak.

Small head father patting my brother and I said: "hey, you guys are great! Have the courage to challenge themselves, adhere to is victory! You are my pride!" Looking at dad satisfied smile, we seem to understand his words of meaning. My brother and I chorus should way: "the persistence is victory, never bow before difficulties.







The weather of today is very good, I today and my good friend came to our this a high mountain. It's called qinglongshan, gantry out there has just arrived, the gantry is very high. Just come in for a while we came in, we saw two pigeons nest, there are many pigeons, we also feed the pigeons, then, we walked half a day to see a lot of the peacock, and don't know what is it, his legs are very short and looks very nice. We feed the peacock for a moment, then go inside, see the three Buddha is very big, next to a lake, there is a goldfish is not very big, and then we choose mountaineering directly. Just beneath the mountain, see will be more than 2000 steps in waiting for us, we've come this already very tired very tired, but there are so many waiting for us to climb the steps, we will go up for a while, got to the top of the mountain just know before's efforts were not in vain. The top of the mountain air is very good. We spent half a day, had a morning here, to absorb a good air in the morning. Particularly happy, more than three o 'clock in the afternoon, we just down the hill. The four point is to longmen. We have the peacock in the dove nest which pavilion and waterfall cave, there is a place where monkeys stay. We did not out of the gantry about five o 'clock. I'm very happy today. Particularly fond of qinglongshan. Especially like the air, it's very good.





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