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my happiness in life优秀英语作文「附翻译」

2023-06-01 04:19:13

my happiness in life优秀英语作文「附翻译」


my happiness in life英语作文【篇一】

"Crash -- -- -- -- -- -" as yet crisp firecrackers, we usher in the New Year. The coming year, our family busy, everyone is busy preparing for the New Year. You look! Mother, aunt, grandma are preparing delicious dishes, let a person look at eyes are bigger; You see! Dad and uncle are running east west, set the table, put chairs is they live; You see! Lovely children ran around and play, play. At this moment, who let go of the heavy work, the joy of New Year went away with all you heart trouble and unhappy, we happy are hung on the cheek, hearty laugh, smile is natural, smile with satisfaction.

Reunion dinner in the evening is the most busy time for Chinese New Year! We all gathered together to enjoy the taste of some difficult reunion. At the moment, all while enjoying the dishes on the table is rich, delicious, the most delicious food, have complained of a year, and the joys and sorrows of life. Sometimes leave sounds well-meaning laughter from the table, and sometimes the but again hear love "blame", is really very busy, everyone make summary for the past year, laughing while talking about their New Year new hope. It's New Year new atmosphere!

My favorite is the fireworks after the meal. Each cluster flame with our new wishes and blessings of the New Year came out from the smoke cylinder, reaching as we passed the vast sky, blossom a beautiful fireworks in the sky. Although it disappeared in an instant, but give me the impression is eternal, colorful fireworks wine to our colorful mood, have red passion, the romance of blue, purple... I can't help for a long time immersed in he brings us happiness.

Beautiful day always short, start the New Year, in the firecrackers and fireworks in slowly over, left us is as good as fireworks, eternal memory.

Drifting filar silk I look up at the sky, feel the wind, in the heart silently wish for you: all of us can be happy in the New Year, healthy, more hope my family happiness in the New Year, happiness can accompany us through every beautiful day!






my happiness in life英语作文【篇二】

I -- -- -- -- - "happy fruit" of the family, innocent and lovely, smart kind. I am proud, I have a harmony, full of joy, be permeated with happy family.

"Dear mom and dad, your smile is my dream in the fairy tale, dear mom and dad, you forget you put me up, dear mom and dad, your sweat drip is my care in my heart, dear mom and dad, you peace of mind I will never never return, I will never never repay..." Quick to listen, I was loudly sings the song zuying's mom and dad, I shook his head, took the microphone, with music, sing out my heart thanks to parents and love, even though the lyrics aren't that statement, but it is full of my wishes to them. Though they are not small, but their heart is still very young. Look! Mother is teaching dad jumped in four steps, I saw her left foot first rhombic stretch to left, keep up with the right foot, then give the right thigh reduction first, to keep up with his left foot... Father is always embarrassing, but a little couldn't keep up with music, for a moment forget which one leg out first, and then stepped on my mother's feet, qi's mother complained dad, I also had a happy they bloom. The laughter of the lively flowing in my home...

Not only our family favorite entertainment, but also love of learning, the greatest joy is the family together to read and see, published comments. It doesn't, we discuss with the -- -- -- -- -- - "xu computed.in newspaper says farmers each town has now confirmed the retirement pay, ill health." Dad read the newspaper while said. "Isn't it!" Mother then said, "my mom would have called the: retirement pay, ill health. There is really good!" I interrupted again, "is, my grandma always ill, and medical expenses are too expensive, don't want to go to see a doctor, even if we take her to, she was pushing and shoving, says our young people to earn money also not easy, don't use our money, now good, have health insurance, sick easy!" "Developed countries, farmers rich, our home is becoming more and more warm, more and more happiness!" mother says! With joyful voice shuttle in my home!

Outside, TaoGongLiuLu, scenery charming, full of the breath of spring; The room, the same laughter, harmony, through the steps of happiness.





【my happiness in life优秀英语作文「附翻译」】



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