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2023-06-01 04:37:03




Smoking is harmful to the health of development growth of teenagers is very big, for bone development, nervous system, respiratory system and reproductive system have a certain degree of influence. Due to a teenager each system and organ development still is not perfected, function is not perfect, resistance is weak, compared with the adult the dangers of smoking is greater. In addition, the airway stenosis than for adults, teenagers of the respiratory tract mucosa cilia development is not perfect, so smoking causes respiratory damage and produce inflammation, increase the breathing resistance, decreased lung capacity, affect the growth of teenagers thoracic, will affect the overall development.

A large amount of nicotine in tobacco is poison on cranial nerve, it can make students memory loss, depressed, failing grades. The survey found that smoking students grades lower than non-smokers. In addition, the youth is at the critical moment of sexual development, smoking decreased testosterone secretion of 20% 30%, reduce sperm and deformity; The girl 's first menstruation period postponed, menstrual disorders. Youth smoking still can make the onset of coronary heart disease, hypertension and cancer early age. Relevant data show that the smaller the age, smoking harmful to health, age 15 smokers than 25 after smokers high mortality by 55%, more than 1 times higher than non-smokers. Smoking damages the brain, make intelligence is affected. The high concentration of carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke. After inhalation of the human body, and the hemoglobin in the blood into carbon and oxygen hemoglobin, hemoglobin cannot properly combines with oxygen into oxygenated hemoglobin, thus losing function to carry oxygen. In addition, carbon monoxide and haemoglobin binding force, 260 times larger than oxygen, and carbon oxygen from the speed of dissociation of carbon monoxide in hemoglobin than oxygen was isolated from the oxyhemoglobin speed much more slowly. Because the human brain for oxygen demand is big, is sensitive to oxygen, therefore, the cigarette will feel the energy concentration, appear even headaches, dizziness phenomenon. Time, will damage the brain, make thinking becomes slow, memory loss. In this way, will inevitably affect their study and work, make the student's failing grades.

Death due to smoking each year up to 2.5 million people around the world, is the first killer. Consciously not personal hygiene habit of smoking, for the sake of your health, please stay away from tobacco





Do you know what the most damage? You must know is a cigarette. Do you know that cigarettes have how old harm? You didn't know it. Well, I announced the answer - a cigarette right now 5 minutes can reduce a person's life!!!!!! Maybe you will ask, a cigarette since only five minutes to reduce life, so what's the harm smoking? You are wrong, even though a cigarette can reduce 5 minutes, so thousands of cigarettes, will reduce the life for a long time. Do not believe, we can calculate. If you 50 years cigarette, the average daily smoking 10, a total of 50 years to 182500, 912500 minutes, reducing the life of the equivalent of two years! , of course, this is just a preliminary calculation, if coupled with contaminated and reduce the life of others, then in your family may be chaos, the influence is bigger? If you still don't know that smoking is harm to your family, then look at the following story.

Here, I can tell you a story more can reflect the harm of smoking. Had a child named Todd cary osborne, originally he in a happy family, love his mom and dad. But in a friend's father had smoked a others handed him smoke. The man is his father former colleagues, then, has been dismissed because of the badness. Smoked a cigarette, his father is feeling very cool, is better than he used to smoke the thousands of times, ten thousand times, but this is a "smoke" with drugs, his father got a drug addict. Later because the drug was caught by the police went to prison, so the original happy family became fragmented...

When do you feel a little creepy? A good family went bankrupt and you know why? It's all because a cigarette! If you are now ready to smoke, please see the above story; If you are smoking, please quit smoking as early as possible. If you are addicted to smoking, please throw your cigarette out. You know, 25% of the deaths on smoking!

For the sake of your happiness, for the sake of the health of others, in order to world peace, I once again to call: "please don't smoke..." We also said to smoke, "I don 't like to see you again (I never want to see you again!!!"




为了你的幸福,为了他人的健康,为了世界的和平,我再一次向大家呼吁:“请不要吸烟……”我们也一起对烟说∶“I don't like see you again(我再也不想看到你了)!!!”




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