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2023-06-01 04:57:09


导语: 这个世界几乎不合所有人的梦想。只是有些人可以学会遗忘,有些人却坚持。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


"Failure is the mother of success, but the premise of make failure into success is to learn to persevere." This is the lesson for me "bowls on the young". It is not only the young, and I have failed.

Remember that year, the violin teacher Yang come to my house to call me to play the violin. "Do, re, me duo" "no, I didn't pull the last duo." Yang teacher looked at me for a while, popped up from his mouth three words: pull again. So I again from the beginning, thought that this can be, but it hates "duo" and I ran. The young teacher was very angry. He looked at me and said nothing.

I was afraid, I'm afraid to mistake the teacher would say I; I am afraid of again wrong mom would mean I; I am afraid of again wrong dad would laugh at me said: "kui you said you well, I see you blow." ...... I want to try the faith conquered it. I plucked up the courage to largest asked the teacher: "teacher, I can try again?"

What is the result? As a result, I finally succeeded together.

By this time, let me understand a truth success is not far from every one of us, as long as you work hard, as long as you are willing to adhere to. You'll become a winner.

In the later days, whenever I meet with difficulties, I always think of my violin. Somehow, I often think of the time. I will use all my strength to hold on. We can achieve success.

Let's do a learn to insist, learn to be fail to people!









Insist on, you will succeed

Out of the window, a burst crisp breeze came on. Breathing in the fresh air, I feel very happy...

After you finish your midterm exam, uneasy I published mood, waiting for the result, finally wait to announce results, I didn't realize I was near the top of the class! I left the tears of joy, and that tears, also full of my efforts.

This semester, I study harder meng long. Actively speak in class, brain earnestly, after class, I will be in the classroom "without a trace," often, only see me in the office, at this moment, I have not understand problem, consult the teacher, the teacher is seriously "gush" topic! At home, after we finished our homework seriously, will do mom bought paper, entitled "sprint 100 points". Every day, I have been to strenuously, because, I have a goal, strive for to take an examination of the whole class the first!

No pains will have a harvest, in the exam, I answer carefully, analyze the question. Finally, finally won the outstanding achievement.

At this moment, I thought of qian xuesen grandpa said a words: "don't lose, let a man see the guilty sentence) you to confidence, as long as perseverance, there will be results." Yeah! Because of persistence, the success of the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign people throughout all ages; Because of persistence, makes the prosperity of our motherland, is developing rapidly; Because insisted that China would emerge a batch lofty ideals; Because insist, I will be outstanding achievements in the test!

The classmates, insist! It will make you succeed. / can we climb the summit of learning! Make you succeed!











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