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2023-06-01 04:57:14


导语: 生活总是千变万化,总有那么多不如意,总有那么多不顺心,只要自己坚守自己的理想,就不会被打倒,再大的风浪阻挡不了我们前进的方向,坚持就是胜利,无论则样,都不认输。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


In the heart of every man has a dream, this dream may be great is very special, maybe very simple very ordinary. But as long as you insist on paying, you can succeed.

Time back to junior high school of the first monthly examination. A grey sky, the test on the red Numbers, chilly wind. All this reminds me: I did very poorly on. Frustration heros to be otherwise I, to get more and more. But in the mind has a small voice in the firm, said: you forgot your dream? Don't be upset, insist on can succeed! So I put down the paper and began to study harder.

Learning is a process in reverse and long, sometimes looking at the thick material is a trance want to cry out loud. But in the mind of the dream to turn bright fireworks an beating, oneself how can you stop the sweat condensed in the fuel into his chest? Only bite the bullet to stick to it and pay for the dream of the flowers in full bloom.

Most of the time, my mind are all night lessons teachers the bright light of the problem sets and textbook woven out. Quiet in the classroom only a pen on the paper draw the rustle, occasionally look someone looked up to the job on the blackboard, grazed the ground from under the rock chair: "ZhiNiu -" a sound. Looking at other people's diligence, could not help but in my heart began to panic, insist to continue to practice the truth of success

Finally ushered in the time of proof, the mid-term examination. Still calmly take an examination of a series of test, I believe that I adhere to can be rewarded. Results finally came out, I succeeded!

Excited pull in the memories, I also deeply understand a truth: as long as the persistence, can succeed!








Today, I finally learned to slip roller skates, I am very happy, I finally learned to.

This evening, my brother and I as usual go to mine the club to learn roller skates, I was there in the basketball court learned to slip roller skates, I was very happy, because I learned, the original is so difficult to learn! I learned three days to learn, after all, this is the first time to learn! Very rare, I really very comfortable, because my feet don't hurt, finally learned to not hurt. Did you learn to sneak roller skates? Although it is difficult to learn but as long as you work hard no matter what you would learn, face down stand up again, you will succeed, failure is the mother of success.

So people want to be volunteers, hard work, there will be a success! As long as believe fell to stand up to a word will be successful, have you ever tried? Failure is the mother of success insist on will succeed







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