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changes in my life英语作文「带中文」

2023-06-02 05:43:05

2016changes in my life英语作文「带中文」


changes in my life英语作文【篇一】

That is the National Day, the school let everyone to write an article about the project of the motherland. When I wrote from the founding ceremony to the history of the development of now, wrote a lot, feeling very passionate, very aggressive, I in order to get your recognition, show it to you to modify. This want to get your praise, I didn't think you let I learned to steady and modest. You told me after watching my composition, the composition is good, but you don't score high. I was listening to the blank faces. You continue to say: "you write very shallow, with these 'prosperous, prosperity, great' and so on, all the space, let a person read a also won't have too deep impression, you will move these historical writing, others will be to you like this, she also wrote, what meaning be? You can view and say history from big directions, you can also try from aspects. For example, write about your family's change, the change of the economy, the change of life. From these little ways to reflect the progress and development of the motherland, will give a person a kind of special feeling." Finish listen to your words, I thought a bliss, I feel very reasonable, I went home and wrote a paper, revealing one by one in your way. Later, I got a prize of this article.

Teacher, if not you, maybe there will be no now of I. If not you, maybe now still thinks himself. Were you, I learned modesty; Were you, I learned the steadfast; Were you, I learned to cherish. Thank you my dear teacher!



changes in my life英语作文【篇二】

Today is Monday, the afternoon last class is the class team. Yes, this team will give me point in the life of a turning point.

Class meeting is hosted by MuJiaYu and I, of course, the "week review" is the theme of the class meeting, need statistical scores of each group, finally summarizes and the goal of next week.

At once, the class meeting began. Good grades but I actually have not statistics, finally can only take the task assigned to each group leader, at that time, my in the mind is also blame yourself, you look at you, even to do statistics, still have to bother you with team leader, you don't have the ability to...

Not, class meeting soon ended, was let MuJiaYu summarized, finally the teacher let me next week's goal, this is our surprise, this is the teacher for the two projects, when again into the two of us? I thought. Of course, no, I stood on the platform is somewhat helpless, even speak tongue-tied. Whereas MuJiaYu chart to choose the platform of incisively and vividly, so at that time after such a contrast, really two levels came out. At that time, I couldn't have a crack in the earth.

The class was over, I went back to his seat, sit at the same table said I said is very good, I had to reluctantly forced out a smile, tears left ashamed...

Through this class I see two reason:

1, ability is through practice, not born.

2, language expression ability is very important, cannot ignore.

This is I have benefited a lot from two point, it will be my lifelong.

The class meeting give my life to point a indelible forever turning point, in this point would draw a long line, that is determined by my performance. I think it will be drawing, and very long very long, until day border...











【2016changes in my life英语作文「带中文」】



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