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2023-06-02 06:10:08




Less than six o 'clock every morning, dad called me up on time, to go with him, never sleep late, even rest day uninterrupted.

In order to increase the novelty, we often transform course, run the road these days, the days that run another road. Because of the newness, running due to very relaxed, very exciting.

I started running, feet on the ground a heavy "boom", in a short time will feel tired, straight out. Dad see, said with a smile: "children, you are still not running. Running, first floor to light, elastic, because if the feet heavily to the ground, the huge impact, knee joint in the long run will harm the legs. Second, try not to breathe in through your mouth directly when running, because of the cold air directly into the abdominal cavity, easy to catch a cold, have a stomachache, so should be shut up." I hear the word of the father, oh, there are so many reason. According to dad tried, they really feel at ease a lot.

Dad said: "running has many advantages, can make the body is tall, strong, resistance, not easy to get sick, energetic people." Since there are so many benefits, I must insist to take exercise.

Ha ha! Little friends, tell you, I have insisted on for more than a month. Now my body is becoming more and more strong, but also the long one! You are to give it a try. Ah! By the way, don't forget to speak running should pay attention to the above matters. I wish you can have a good body!







The first day of winter vacation, I listed a form, the form is to exercise time and content. On Monday, running in the morning. On Tuesday, playing football in the morning. On Wednesday, jump rope in the afternoon. On Thursday, running in the morning. On Friday, to play badminton in the afternoon. On Saturday, ride a bike in the afternoon. On Sunday, play in the morning.

So I exercise a winter vacation, physical quality rise. I thought to myself, why do some people don't go to the movement? According to the statistics, today in the past 20 years, China's falling younster health situation is worrying, make people alert. According to the survey of 100 students, sixty percent of people don't take exercise. Twenty-five percent have sports at school. But true to exercise an hour less than fifteen percent. Life now, because the electrification, mechanization and automation has entered people's work and family environment, meets the generations than we can consume about a third of the physical strength and leisure and entertainment have been video games, computers, TV, VCD, online life, people will be more a lack of proper motion.

If we change the way of life, now that it for our own good.







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